Obama’s Islamic Spy Ring? – IOTW Report

Obama’s Islamic Spy Ring?

TeaParty.org: Trump BUSTS Major Islamic Spy Ring, Evidence Points STRAIGHT To Obama.

(Angry Patriot) – Navy SEAL William Ryan Owen was killed during a secret raid on Al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen, but the heavily armed enemy seemed to know these SEALs were coming.

Well, according to Capt. Joseph John, Obama has hired individuals involved in the Muslim Brotherhood to work in the Washington bureaucracy, including three brothers who were fired and are facing charges of accessing congressional computers without permission, as per Breitbart. These three Muslim brothers could have accessed highly sensitive data and could have tipped off the enemy about this planned raid, via Daily Mail.

These brothers were hired and given a top security clearance and then worked for three intelligence panel members and five members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.


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h/t Coco

24 Comments on Obama’s Islamic Spy Ring?

  1. Even the brain-dead Democrat-Liberal-Socialists should see the implications of this.

    It is so much more than a smoking gun; it is a fusillade of evidence that Obama aids and and abets our enemies.

  2. No surprises here – this probably just the tip of the ice berg = Obama never told us who or where he came from. Enough leaked around the edges to suggest he smelled to anyone who ever planned, executed, or debriefed missions or have even a lick of common sense.

    Jimmy Carter convinced me to leave the Navy in 78 and he wasn’t a muslim.

    OBAMA is/was/and always will be a towel head.

    How many more America?

  3. Obama’s a talker, nothing more. If mobro moles were planted, he was hands off for plausible deniability, and ValJar handled the details. But it is just as likely that this was a Hillary project. She’s not much of a talker, but she’s a maker, I hear.

  4. Notice that obama isn’t vacationing in Muslim lands. Although he’s a sympathizer his religious leanings are unclear. He’s an infidel to most of them. He’s an enemy to all of his countrymen. Most of us even know it.

    He can play in Disney all he wants but he’s living a miserable fucking life. At least jimmy Carter knew how to swing a hammer and used that to assuage his failure. Obama can’t swing a hammer or a golf club.

    Every. And I mean EVERY Obama appointee needs to be abruptly given the bums rush. No delay. No mercy.

  5. I’m not surprised by this. I thought this might be what happened after reading of the failed mission, of the unauthorized access into congressional intelligence committee servers, and that it was planned before Obama left office, but carried out after he was out of office because the SEAL team was waiting for the darkness of the new moon.

  6. That pic of Obama always reminds me of that part in Once Upon A Time In The West where younger Henry Fonda is sadistically smiling at younger Charles Bronson who’s trying to support his about-to-be-hung father on his shoulders.

  7. We should form a Vuvuzella and homemade drum band and get a Go Fund me page and travel everywhere Barry tries to Golf or do anything outside, and trumpet and pound out our displeasure in him and his hideous face.

  8. Did we not already know what was going on? We’ve been saying this for years! He is a TRAITOR! A trojan horse! And he plans to hang around with his conections with CAIR – which is a terrorist organization pretending to be a political “party,” and say anything different and you are a racist or islamophobic. He is a maker of chaos – maybe that’s what hillary mean’t when she said she is a “maker.” They are both traitors and makers of chaos.

    Screw that. The truth is the truth.

  9. This theory was floating around the SF Instagram sights immediately after the mission and has continually been gaining steam. Trump sure as hell got the Seal support when he flew out unannounced to meet the deceased Seal. They’d march their asses into hell for him now.

  10. I think you’re right Brad, those thoughts were out right away. The libs are really overplaying their hand if they think they are winning. I would like to see President Trump put out a video statement of his position and really lay it out. Bypass the networks, and let the libs and the media have with both barrels. The libs are so weak on national defense and immigration he could hit a home run right now.

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