Obama’s Legacy Vanishes From White House Dot Gov – IOTW Report

Obama’s Legacy Vanishes From White House Dot Gov

IS:  We’ve solved the case of the disappearing White House pages. The pages are being replaced. It’s the peaceful transition from a failed legacy to one that could actually work.

Missing are the White House dot gov website pages describing Obama’s policies on climate change, energy, foreign  affairs, economy, civil rights, LGBT, immigration, music and arts, statements, executive orders, and others. Even the latest news and the blog are gone.

If anyone doubts that Obama’s legacy will be gone quickly, they only need to look at the White House website.

The White House website is already under construction.   MORE

16 Comments on Obama’s Legacy Vanishes From White House Dot Gov

  1. I was pleased to see this new page added that was sent to me by a buddy. God it’s good to breath fresh air again!

    Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community

    “…Our job is not to make life more comfortable for the rioter, the looter, or the violent disrupter. Our job is to make life more comfortable for parents who want their kids to be able to walk the streets safely. Or the senior citizen waiting for a bus. Or the young child walking home from school.

    Supporting law enforcement means supporting our citizens’ ability to protect themselves. We will uphold Americans’ Second Amendment rights at every level of our judicial system…”

  2. Obama Legacy Disposal Team, be aware that he’s buried some shit pretty deep. Sample:

    “President Herbert Hoover: “President Herbert Hoover signed the bill founding the Department of Veterans Affairs July 21, 1930. President Obama is committed to making sure that the VA, the second-largest cabinet department, serves the needs of all veterans and provides a seamless transition from active duty to civilian life, and has directed his Administration to modernize the way health care is delivered and benefits are administered for our nation’s veterans.”


    Barky Gumped himself into the Presidential biographies, and who knows what else. He must be deleted.

  3. All my prog Facebook “friends” were freaking out yesterday because the LGBT and climate change pages disappeared. They had all retreated to their safe spaces awaiting the inevitable Armageddon. Bad news is they are crawling out again this morning to attend the women’s march here in Chicago.

  4. Redgrandma, we got a womans march here in Atlanta, and the news reader was fluffing that “more than 20,000 women are expected to march…”

    It’s raining steady, with off and on thunderstorms all day hahahahah

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