Obama’s morning comments on Dallas cop executions ooze with disrespect — he can’t help himself – IOTW Report

Obama’s morning comments on Dallas cop executions ooze with disrespect — he can’t help himself

BizpacReview: Former New York City police officer and Secret Service agent Dan Bongino lashed out at President Obama for using the murder of police officers at a Dallas protest on Thursday to again talk about gun control.

“He saw a political opportunity to bring up the gun control issue and, regardless of the fact that there are still officers wounded (and) that we don’t even know if gun laws had anything to do with this at all, none of those facts are even out yet, he just senses political opportunities,” Bongino told “Fox & Friends” on Friday.

“His skin is very thick on this, he doesn’t seem to care and he does it and is really not interested in any backlash at all. It was totally inappropriate but that’s what he does.”

Bongino was responding to Obama’s statement just moments earlier in which he said “access to powerful weapons make these types of things possible.”

But what Bongino thinks really made it possible was the rhetoric the president gave before the shooting.


41 Comments on Obama’s morning comments on Dallas cop executions ooze with disrespect — he can’t help himself

  1. If I never hear another word from our America hating president again I’d be a happy man.
    Shut the fuck up asshole. You should be torn apart by wild dogs.

  2. On one hand you could say that he has so much blood on his hands that he has to shift the blame.

    The reality is that things are going just as planned. He stoked the fire and is putting it out with hydrogen.

  3. My guess is Obama finally got the Beltway Sniper he always wanted, and he won’t be looking for him very hard. Cleveland is coming up, after all. And unfortunately for him, this happened in Texas. The perps won’t run free like the Orlando terrorist’s wife and accomplice.

  4. Obama is a co-conspirator. He said he stands in solidarity with BLM. He incited people to riot by spouting false “facts” about he number of blacks v. whites shot by cops, and the number of blacks in jail without mentioning the disproportionate number of crimes committed by blacks. I hate this man with the intensity of 1000 suns.

  5. Since Obama has been dividing your nation along racial lines since entering office (remember Professor Gates and the cop) I wouldn’t have expected him to say anything different. He and the rest of the left keep pushing for their end version of gun control which is confiscation just like the Nazi’s did. In fact, if you listen to speeches about so-called white privilege along with the gun control and all the other leftist/progressive tripe you’d almost think that Joseph Goebbels were orchestrating this campaign.

  6. I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, but after years of cops killing dogs for fun, throwing stun grenades in play pens that have babies in them, assassinating 80 year old men in bed, to aiding and abetting violent mobs all the while facing absolutely no consequences, I’m not bothered with this.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to celebrate those that didthis, but I’m not going to mourn the cops either.

  7. i will never forget the symbolism on display at obama’s inauguration

    they booed bush, exalted obama with idolatry, then left 100 tons of trash behind

    it was clear what was in store for us, bullshit and garbage

  8. This whole civil division began with: “The police acted stupidly”
    Are all non-conservative blacks cheering? Some vocally and the others silently (did you see twitter?) Will Obama speak again of “not who we are”?

    I stand with the thin Blue Line!

  9. The “problem” is not the 2nd amendment (if you are into blaming amendments). The “problem” is the right to free assembly. So until the leftards are willing to approach this “problem” in a logical and consistent way I will not listen to what they have to say.

    As for the “problem”; there are those that obey the laws and there are those that break the laws. Society seems to be having more sympathy for those that break the law and hence have resentment for LEO.

    As I was driving home with my daughter I told her the chances of me ever being shot my a cop are ZERO. When I get pulled over I get my DL, insurance & registration because I know 100% that is going to be asked of me, I roll down the window be it raining, shining, sleeting or snowing and put both hands out the window and I keep them there. I explained to my daughter that the cop has a very dangerous job and I don’t fault him/her for being nervous and I don’t want to give them any cause to be nervous. Also, I always say “yes sir” or “no sir” even if I know I’m in the right because then and there with a person who is paid to deal with bad people and carries a gun because his job requires him to deal with bad people is not the place or the time for an argument.

    It’s called common sense and a whole generation is lacking it. They vote for Obama and think they can treat the police with the same contempt as a public school teacher. Its a wonder there are not more “youths” shot dead in the streets.

  10. I was up until dawn following this story. When I heard that Obama was going to be gracing us with his brilliant insights, that was my cue to turn off the radio and go to sleep.

    196 more days.



  12. This is totally on Obama, I can’t remember a recent time in our history when
    LEO were targeted. Name another president who caused LEO to be shot.
    I can’t think of any.
    It’s unthinkable, except under The Obama Regime’
    I keep thinking we have seen the worst from this guy but I think he isn’t done.

  13. “Notice how the flags have not been immediately ordered to half mast.”

    Marc, I was in Orlando last week. None of the flags were at half-mast there. Not even the rainbow flags. Maybe they went to half-mast for a couole.of days before the Chamber of Commerce complained about the optics. I don’t know. But I thought flags which went to half-mast stayed there for a month.

  14. I am so sick and tired of the gun control bullshit that spews from the mouths of low intelligence politicians like the commander and cheese….This is his baby, he started right off with the “police acted stupidly” line in his first few months and every time there is a shooting of a black person, it is all because of guns..I wish that some politician would have the gonads to step up to Obama’s smug face and say No it isn’t, its about you allowing the black community to murder each other at an alarming rate and then redirecting their anger at police when they shoot someone. What I don’t hear is your anger when an Asian get shot, or a Hispanic gets shot, or a white person gets shot.

    You would not know which end of a gun goes bang and that photo shopped bullshit of you shooting a gun is embarrassing.

    You and the democrats created the perfect storm by buying off blacks and keeping them from getting anywhere in life by passing out the free shit. Remember what L.B.J. said about them voting democrat for 100 years?

    You created this national crisis, you alone own it, and your inept cabinet of stupid people relying on left over 60’s socialist bullshit have set in motion the problems we have today.

    It’s not the guns, it’s the culture, the glorification of rape, murder, and drugs, the refusal of you to say the words black on black crime, and Muslim terrorist.

    Instead you blame an object that no more harm anyone on it’s own that a butter knife. But you enjoy this with your smug asinine grin, Guns are bad! No they are not, you are just too stupid to realize it is the culture you helped create where gun violence is acceptable, now apparently against the police.

    You are a total failure in everything you have done, no matter what smoke Jarrett and Soros blow up your ass, you alone own this sniper attack in Dallas, and Mr. President, GO TO HELL!

    You are neither as smart or as important as you think you are. You are a small boy, with serious emotional issues and obsessions who is clinging to your Koran and anti gun bullshit.

    You alone own five dead cops….this one is all yours you asshole.

  15. Jagpald, my apologies for a fat-fingered TD. Take the TD away and add a TU for accuracy.

    Durka durka is as dumb as he named himself. You’re a part of the problem, dude. My 59 y.o. ass would clean your clock in one moment’s effort if you spewed your crap around me.

  16. Screw that cheap dime store hoodlum. If he did not win the political lottery he would be another black tick on the Chicago political Dog.
    He may hold the office for now, but he has shown himself to be a craven little bitch, unworthy of my respect or loyalty.

  17. Watched this on the news twice today. First time in a long time I didn’t mute the sound.
    That bastard is an enemy to every law enforcement officer in America, and his cold hearted encouragement of violent black behavior will likely get more white officers killed.

    He is an enemy to all true Americans. He’s not even trying to hide it anymore.

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