Obama’s Possible Supreme Court Nominees To Replace Scalia – IOTW Report

Obama’s Possible Supreme Court Nominees To Replace Scalia

obama nominee here

Vdare: 1. Harvard Law School professor Larry Tribe, whom Obama helped write his anti-Scalia paper “The Curvature of Constitutional Space: What Lawyers Can Learn from Modern Physics by contributing his deep knowledge of cutting-edge physics he learned from some very heavy discussions at Punahou while smoking Maui Wowie.

2. A Breyer II: a highly competent white guy who gets confirmed fast and quietly

3. Michelle

4. Obama resigns and President Biden nominates him

5. A full-out War on Women combatant to gin up another feminist freakout like the one in October 1991 over allegations of sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas that launched the Clintons (of all people) into the White House during the 1992 Year of the Woman.  MORE

33 Comments on Obama’s Possible Supreme Court Nominees To Replace Scalia

  1. When asked what he would do, Cruz named Michael Luttig, with a long conservative record. Cruz mentions Luttig’s background in BOOM’s link. Can’t get much better than that.

    Across the interwebz, there’s also big support for Instapundit law prof Glenn Reynolds and Legal Insurrection’s Eugene Volokh.

  2. Barky’s fantasy: nominate a computer, programmed by Berkeley poli sci / queer studies faculty, build in China and therefore equipped with a Chicom back door, and hacked by Russian-trained Iranians. Its life expectancy would be indefinite, and Barky would name it “Deep Gloat.”

  3. Seeing as how the Progs and Dims have given us the blueprint to follow, I suggest we employ all the cheap, underhanded, backstabbing tactics laid out during the Bork and Thomas witch hunts.
    Good for the goose, you know the rest.

  4. the repugnicans will cave after the RINO’s steal the primary for Jeb! or Little Robio
    if they cave sooner, Trump’s a shoe-in as the republican presidential candidate

    & I haven’t seen one Cruz ‘filibuster’ work ….. ever
    …jus’ sayin’

  5. Barky will nominate some sacrificial lamb so the demonRATs can make political points & call the repugnicans sexist/homophobic/racists bigots
    so, it will probably be a half-black African transsexual metrosexual cocoa-sipping androgynous pajama thingy ….

    wow…. I think I just described Obamo!

  6. BOOM your Trump montage is Cruz’s new ad only highlights what bunch of fucking liars you are. That ad edits out some very important points Trump is making about abortion.

    Plus he said that many years ago and has since CHANGED HIS MIND. Oh wait, Cruz can backtrack on far more recent policies and that’s fine huh?

    I am perfectly aware, as I believe are most Trump supporters, that this is a critical pick to be made. Trying to convince me to switch support by lying is typical.

    You would have better off to have kept your GD month shut the to spew falsehoods.

  7. You are not coming here for a dialogue or discussion. You’re clearly not here to change Trump supporters minds. You present inaccurate facts and insult people. Yea, you are a Troll. You meet all the criteria.

  8. You can see the signs or not. Reminds me of the guy standing next to his car holding up a sign that read ‘Turn Around You’re Going The Wrong Way’ After 2 or 3 cars went flying by he thought to himself maybe I should have written ‘Bridge Out Ahead’

  9. Your presenting your F’d up opinions as FACTS. I’m wondering what you’ve accomplished in life that leads you to believe WE should pay attention to your alarmists bull shit. Your part of the cult.

  10. Barry’s priority is to have a Muslim judge on the Supreme Court ASAP and sharia law will leach out incrementally with help of the other leftist supremes. He intends to accomplish this by hook or by crook. Republicans and Democrats may not be able or willing to stop him.

  11. Radio Free America Announcer: It’s 11:59 on Radio Free America; this is Uncle Sam, with music, and the truth until dawn. Right now I’ve got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone: “the chair is against the wall, the chair is against the wall”, “john has a long mustache, john has a long mustache”. It’s twelve o’clock, American, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there, on, or behind the line, this is your song.

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