Obama’s Presidential Library Could Cost $1.5 Billion – IOTW Report

Obama’s Presidential Library Could Cost $1.5 Billion

Breitbart: Former President Barack Obama’s presidential library could require a $1.5 billion endowment, according to architects in charge of designing the library.

The amount is three times more than the money raised to build the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas that opened in 2013, the New York Post’s Page Six reported.

Architects Tod Williams and Billie Tsien noted that Obama declined to do a lot of fundraising for the center while in office, and said the reason the center would be so expensive was because of the high cost of building both a library and a museum.

The architects say the originally estimated cost of the buildings at $200 million is more likely to be closer to $300 million.

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29 Comments on Obama’s Presidential Library Could Cost $1.5 Billion

  1. that’s a lot of money just to house a lot of..

    uummmmssss, aaaahhhhssss and mmmmmsssss.

    his three main “words”.

    at least that’s all I heard when I listened to any of his speaches.

  2. Should be big enough to house both Obuttholes illegal family members and an additional million illegal squatters turned away by the Vatican and the mega rich America haters!

  3. Someone should ask CAIR for the money and make sure that a mosque is included. We don’t want to forget how Bammy loves his call to prayer and extremist muslim relatives, and how he did everything possible to promote Islam.

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