Obama’s top aide apologizing to Congress for breaking the law not notifying Congress of prison swap – IOTW Report

Obama’s top aide apologizing to Congress for breaking the law not notifying Congress of prison swap

Big Government

A top aide to President Obama is now apologizing to Congress for not informing lawmakers, as required by law, the White House was planning to trade an alleged deserter for five top Taliban commanders.

The apology comes after Obama himself defended his actions this morning, insisting Obama his administration had discussed the release with Congress “for some time.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) told reporters that she received a call from Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken on Monday evening apologizing for failing to inform Congress about the deal to exchange of five Taliban detainees for the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

“I had a call from the White House last night, from Tony Blinken, apologizing for it,” Feinstein, the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, told reporters at the Senate on Tuesday.

Feinstein said that it was “very disappointing” that President Obama decided not to alert Congress about the deal, suggesting that there was not a “level of trust” at the White House.

“He apologized for it and said it was an oversight,” Feinstein said about the call with Blinken, clarifying that it was her “impression” of the call.

Feinstein said that in previous conversations with Senators about the trade, “there were very strong views and they were virtually unanimous against trade.”

“The White House is pretty unilateral about what they want to do when they want to do it,” she added, pointing out that the White House failed to work together with Congress in the situation.



23 Comments on Obama’s top aide apologizing to Congress for breaking the law not notifying Congress of prison swap

  1. SSDD. Nothing will happen. Obama is covered head to toe. Not even a Scooter Libby-type of goon will be given a ticket for this. This is fascism, folks.

  2. Dianne Feinstein associated with any use of the word “intelligence” is an oxymoron.

    ….like they want us to believe she knew nothing about any of this. RIGHT.

  3. These Libturds are setting such an ugly precedent for the way our government is supposed to work.

    When they lose the keys, and it’s coming, I don’t wanna hear a fucking peep from them about executive actions or orders or congressional oversight.

    You don’t like it? Well, remember Harry Reid. Remember Pelosi. Remember Holder and Clinton and the IRS and the EPA and Benghazi and Fast and Furious and the XL Pipeline.

    This is what it felt like. We remember.

    Suck it, you fuckers.

  4. There’s a line in the movie “days of Thunder” where the race team owner says they looked like a ‘monkey fucking a football’ out on the track.

    I think that adequately describes this administration ‘s foreign policy.

  5. Preview of President McMurphy’s explanation for mass incarceration of every potential Democrat donor after my Attorney General colludes with the IRS:

    But I notified Congress! I left Ted Cruz a voicemail after hours a few days ago….

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