Obese Woman Blames Welfare For Her Condition – IOTW Report

Obese Woman Blames Welfare For Her Condition


Christina Briggs, 26, of Wigan, England, claims she can only eat fattening junk food — a whole lot of it — because healthier food is just too expensive for her “limited” welfare benefits, according to an interview in The Daily Mail.

How about exercising to lose weight? Out of the question Briggs says — gyms are just too pricey, and she hasn’t been “educated” on how to exercise herself.

“I tried swimming but it cost £22 [$36] a month andit meant I had to cut back on my favourite pizza and Chinese takeaways,” she said.

“It’s not my fault – healthy food is too expensive,” she added. Briggs stuffs her kids with PopTarts, chocolate fingers, chips, salsa, and Marshmellow Fluff, along with her fast food takeout. Apparently she’s never been “educated” about apples, bananas or grapes.

Briggs already receives a remarkable $36,000 a year from the government.


47 Comments on Obese Woman Blames Welfare For Her Condition

  1. This shit just pisses me off. Even from England. Listen you fat bitch, just ride the weekly circulars. A certain cut of meat and vegetable are on sale each week. learn how to cook it, bitch. Also there are fruits on sale. BUY THEM. I can’t stand these pussys who can’t be adults and just complain.

  2. This reminds of the two fat welfare recipients from Ohio on TV awhile back. Mom and daughter. Both were complaining they didn’t have enough money to afford a car and might have to cut back on buying food. Neither could see the irony of a couple of plumpers having to eat less and walk more.

  3. Instead of giving these idiots checks for welfare, assign them to be the responsibility of one person with a job. See how long she gets to sit around on her fat arse eating junk and being useless while her sponsor is working to feed them.

  4. HEY!! Ya’ll can trash the porker all you want (even tho, fat girls need loving too), BUTT, somebody needs to print a retraction apologizing for associating the good name of “Pop-Tarts” with this sow’s morbese (morbidly obese) lifestyle! Pop-Tarts ain’t never done nothing to hurt nobody. They bring happiness, and convenience, to the monotonous routine of early morning school preparations of millions of families every day with their warm gooey fruit or chocolate filled deliciousness!!!

  5. As a side note, it does cost more to eat healthy.

    Junk food IS cheaper.

    (that’s because it isn’t real food, it’s processed and engineered food, mass produced, and thus NOT GOOD FOR YOU)

    But oh, Doritos are soo sooooo yummy. mmmmm…

  6. You are wrong bob, healthy food you cook is way cheaper than junk food. You’re not going to eat asparagus and arugula but carrots, potatoes, dried beans and a little marked down meat goes a long way.
    The wife and I eat very healthy on less than $400 a month.
    I will admit, the prices have gone up, but so has the junk food.
    There is no shame amongst the takers.

  7. I was no Winco and saw a big fat tub of shit push $300 cart of everything from Pop Tarts to frozen chicken pastries through the cash register. Then her fat assed male counterpart pulled out a buck fifty to pay for a half dozen cases of beer and then it was over to the cigarettes across the way. EBT for the junk food and people told me that the cash came from it as well. The whole fucked up family was shoving into their fat asses had them so bloated that their eyes were only slits because their fat Goddamned faces were so swollen.

    This was in Lacey WA and it was two years ago and it still has me pissed off. We have never once spent $300 on groceries in all the time we have been married.

  8. @MER, We eat Ramen all the time, don’t use the flavor packet though, salt is through the roof.
    I admit, it’s way more work to make than buy but, the fat hog hasn’t a job, eh?
    She is fat because she is stupid and lazy.
    Lady in front of me in the checkout dropped her EBT card, was too fat to be able to pick it up.
    She looked at me for help, told her I had helped her enough already.
    They don’t let you feed Yogi in Jellystone.

  9. Gotta share this one – just last week –

    Checking out at the grocery store, check out girl packing canvas bag that says THANK ME FOR YOUR EBT CARD. She looks at me and says ‘Do you contribute to that?’

    I smiled, said ‘don’t you pay taxes?’ The light bulb went on over her head.

    Under her breath she said, ‘They buy lobster and steaks with it.’

  10. I thought the USA was the only country that our ” poor” people were fat, guess I am wrong, Brits have the phenomonom too!

    Eating healthy does not have to be expensive, but it does require functioning self motivated brain cells and those are what is lacking here and with so many any sorry folks like her.

  11. http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/1926/whats-the-deal-with-ramen-noodles.

    “Ramen noodles unfortunately are not very good for you. Each package contains about 1560 mg of sodium. To remove the water and form them into blocks, they are deep fried in palm oil which is about the most saturated fat there is. Look in your local Asian food store, though, and you may find some that are baked or freeze dried without the oil. Check the ingredients–about 720 different varieties/flavors of ramen are available. For what it’s worth, the average Japanese eats about 45 packages a year and, other than sumo wrestlers, ain’t too many of them chubby. “

  12. Not only is “junk food” cheaper than “healthy food” but also it is possible to function normally on it with a little responsible pick-and-choose if one gets off the fat ass and gets physical exercise and takes a few supplements.

  13. Wow, she’s pointing at the cupboard like she’s proud of it. It’s time to change welfare benefits so that they are reduced for every additional child that is born into it. At a predetermined number of children in a family on welfare the kids are taken away and put in an environment where they’ll be given a chance in life. Offer a cash bonus if a woman agrees to undergo voluntary sterilization (offer the same deal to the baby daddy’s out there) and make membership in the ACLU a death penalty crime.

  14. @jdavid — You may be able to find an item or two of junk food that is cheaper than healthy food, but most people are comparing apples to french fries. You have to look at the per ounce or per pound cost of junk food to get the real price when it’s not obvious. For example, I compared the actual price of marshmallow fluff by the pound and it’s about the same price per pound of flank steak. Sure, you get a bathtub full of marshallow gunk when you weigh it by the pound, but how cheap are all the diseases associated with obesity?

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