Obnoxious Liberal Overreach on Guns Gives Us a Shot at Victory in November – IOTW Report

Obnoxious Liberal Overreach on Guns Gives Us a Shot at Victory in November

Kurt Schlichter /Townhall:

Let’s start with the basic premise that the GOP establishment is terrible, and as its defining characteristic, its cowardice is only overshadowed by its sheer incompetence. But even those hacks might be able to win the midterms and keep hope alive for the resurrection of the America we love. It’s all thanks to the aggressive scumminess of our leftist enemies – and yeah, anyone proposing to take my God-given rights to speak, worship, and defend myself, and/or my life, all of which they have recently told me they seek to take, is my enemy.

After the groveling cave that was the Omnibust, many of us were completely demoralized and ready to toss in the towel. The Fredocons were delighted, their dream of a return to relevance and power seemingly within reach once the people these rubes, hicks, and upstarts elected get booted out of office. The Democrats were giddy. But fortunately, the Democrat establishment is even dumber than the GOP establishment. They and their liberal media pals immediately decided to push the Junior Red Guards to the forefront and, joined by an ancient and silly former Supreme Court justice writing in the New York Times, demand that we give up our guns.

We noticed, despite Chris “Fredo (but not -con)” Cuomo’s bizarre denial that anyone wanted to repeal the Second Amendment when people were saying they wanted to repeal the Second Amendment right to our faces.

Oh boy, did we ever notice. And we also saw that these people were not just intent on leaving us disarmed – they wanted us silenced too. They demanded we sit quietly as the Junior Commissars led the show trial against us, convicting us of having blood on our hands for things we didn’t do. They freaked out that Kevin Williamson got a gig at the Atlantic. And they tried to drive Laura Ingraham off the air. But hey, I bet they’ll totally respect our civil rights once we are disarmed and they have a monopoly on force.

Chet the Unicorn will totally take that bet.

So, the last few weeks showed us what we seemed to have forgotten – that this is an existential struggle, currently cold but due to leftist stupidity and malice it could possibly turn hot, between Normal Americans who demand their civil rights and a say in their own governance, and a liberal-leaning elite that considers Normals’ interests illegitimate and wants us silenced and submissive in the face of their unchallenged rule over our lives.

Thanks for dropping the mask, you libfascist creeps.

6 Comments on Obnoxious Liberal Overreach on Guns Gives Us a Shot at Victory in November

  1. I’m not really buying that we didn’t have a shot at victory before, but I agree that the Dems continue to make things far, far worse for themselves.
    The refugee mob in Mexico will do even more to push voters to the right.

    I agree on the comment in the article about McConnell pushing approval of nominees. I thought I had heard months ago that he was doing precisely that. I guess not, or he stopped.

  2. WI Supreme Court race today. The leftist twat may have given her opponent the win after this morning’s news had her claiming ‘he wants to protect your guns’ in a derogatory, mean-spirited way.

  3. “GOP establishment is terrible, and as its defining characteristic, its cowardice is only overshadowed by its sheer incompetence.”

    Yup. That about covers it.

    “But even those hacks might be able to win the midterms.”

    I wouldn’t count on it.

  4. Sahara Forrest: They probably don’t want to win. It is easier for them to not do what they promised to do if they don’t have the majority. When they have the majority it is obvious what lying scum they are.


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