Ocasio-Cortez: No person should have a billion dollars in America – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez: No person should have a billion dollars in America

Sara Carter: “Billionaires should not exist” does not mean certain people should not exist. It means no person should have a billion dollars. The ascent of billionaires is a symptom & outcome of an immoral system that tells people affordable insulin is impossible but exploitation is fine,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in her tweet.

She was responding to an interview of Blackstone’s Schwarzman who was quoted as saying that “Maybe Bernie Sanders should not exist”, in reference to another tweet from Sen. Sanders in which he also called for “Billionaires shouldn’t exist. more here

21 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez: No person should have a billion dollars in America

  1. “Maybe Congresscritters shouldn’t exist”
    “Maybe anyone without visible means of support shouldn’t exist”
    “Maybe ex-bartenders shouldn’t exist, since their advise is ridiculous”

    “Maybe people shouldn’t be in charge of picking who should, or should not exist” … Nazi much?

  2. Okey dokey then, AOC. Didja know most billionaires are ungrateful, treasonous, America hating liberal democrats? Didja know they fund most leftist causes and candidates? Didn’t think so. Clueless effin ijut.

  3. No one who holds an opinion contrary to hers should exist in her mind either. What does that tell ya about how her opinions should be treated? Hers is not a worldview that should find any traction in a free society. What does that tell you about the state of today’s America when those with that vision have gained critical mass?

  4. This ungrateful, unedumacated (F’ spell check, I’m right) unable to define race privileged POS will consistently repeat this until she feels part of the rest of the other worthless scum known as “Congress’ she considers idols, Pelousi, Waters, Feinstein (86 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
    Wonder if John Hinckley Jr has some spare time on his hands right now,,,

  5. Hey! In zimbabwe nearly everybody is a billionaire! Hell! In zimbabwe I am a TRILLIONAIRE! It is all about envy. Pitting the working class against the moneyed class, whilst those spouting the bullshit in CONgress become filthy rich. The U.S.A. has more millionaires today than ever before and that is without runaway inflation. It is because we live in the U.S.A..
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  6. The key word here is envy, AOC and her ilk have a cow about anyone who has one penny more than they do. I pity her, she is a shallow, stupid moron of a woman who hates everybody and everything that has anything more than she does. Hopefully, she’ll be a one term congress critter and then the real envy and jealousy will consume her when she has to go back to earning a living tending bar in a dive bar where no one cares about her or her stupid ideas. And what business is it yours that I and others can not enjoy the fruits of our labor with out you bitching and moaning and griping that it’s not fair.

  7. And I saw a article yesterday somewhere with Mark Zuckturd of facebook, the 69 billion dollar man, telling his employees during a meeting that he agreed with her. Yeah, sure Mark!

  8. The bread line Bernie loves is the symptom of an immoral system. You skip over in the society billionaires exist everyone lives far better lives. You can buy a 70 inch TV for $300-400 at Walmart. Who wouldn’t want that.

  9. “Ocasio-Cortez: No person should have a billion dollars in America”

    If she had it, she wouldn’t have said it.

    Anon above said: “You can buy a 70 inch TV for $300-400 at Walmart. Who wouldn’t want that.”

    Me, I don’t own a TV and don’t want a TV. Got rid of it years ago – got tired of listening to BS and the only way to stop it is to get rid of it. Stayed at a hotel recently. We turned the TV on just to see what was going on – what a waste! WTH! Infomercials, there was even one for sex toys!!! What bothered us the most, the woman presenting the sex toys never showed us how to us them. I must be living in the Twilight Zone!

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