Ocasio-Cortez says she’s not a Socialist – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez says she’s not a Socialist

Ocasio-Cortez: Trump Is ‘Afraid Of Strong Women’; I’m Not A ‘Socialist’.

Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed in an interview with Noticias Telemundo that President Donald Trump was “afraid” of “strong women” and said that she was not socialist — two claims that do not stand up well to scrutiny.

The interview took place on Sunday in Las Vegas, Nevada, and was conducted entirely in Spanish. Noticias Telemundo provided The Daily Wire a copy of the English version of the transcript.

“One of the most controversial people with whom you have had exchanges is the president, Donald Trump,” Noticias Telemundo’s Correspondent Guadalupe Venegas said to Ocasio-Cortez. “He called you a whack-job on social media. He called you crazy, right?”

“Yes,” Ocasio-Cortez responded.

“What do you think about the president?” Venegas asked.

“I think that if the president is calling me crazy, that’s good,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. “It’d be a problem if he said he agreed with me, because he has a lot of issues. He’s a racist and he’s anti-immigrants, but more than that, his administration is very corrupt. I think he has a track record of… I think he’s afraid of women, of strong women, of Latina women.”

The notion that Trump is “afraid” of “strong women” is not well supported by facts — especially his record when it comes to who he has appointed as senior advisers in his administration. keep reading

23 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez says she’s not a Socialist

  1. She will not be Bernie’s VP either…
    Note to AoC…
    Have somebody read the Constitution to you slowly,
    The President has to be 35 years of age.
    You only missed the boat by five years,
    Bernie will be dead by then,

  2. I thinking a debate between AOC and Dana Loesch would be a real crowd pleaser. Topless. Pay per view. I get 10% of the gate for promoting.

    Maybe I shouldn’t have had that 3rd martini at lunch…

  3. AOC’s “Brain Capacity” isn’t large enough to know what “Socialist / Communist” really means. Everything that comes out of her mouth is “Polly Wants A Cracker” via what she hears & is able to comprehend.

  4. Ah, yet another hyperbolic claim of Trump being, ‘corrupt’, ‘afraid of women’, ‘racist’, and ‘anti immigration’.

    Lesse… He is attacking all of the built up corruption in our state, he has a history of hiring woman more often than not, and has woman in key positions in his admn, he has a history of fighting racism and supporting charities and causes for minorities, and he has repeatedly stated that he’s only against ILLEGAL immigration and the damage it does to our nation and at times, the illegals themselves (especially the children).

    I guess AOC never listens to her political opponents. What a dumb socialist. 🙃

  5. AOC Honey, You are NOT a strong woman. Strong women are intelligent. You are a stupid bint. Absolutely no one thinks of you as strong or intelligent. If you have not noticed, you are the bane of thousands of memes mocking you. Now go away.

  6. Sanders/AOC. That’s the Democrat ticket winner this year. Freshman senator is so safe she doesn’t have to go home for the white man’s Christian holidays. She’s on a whirlwind campaign tour claiming she’s now not a socialist. Why?

    You think those two fuck knuckles are going away because they lose to Warren or Biden? Hillary bribed Bernie last time. This time he is not bowing out regardless.

    He coughed and rasped through that entire speech he gave in California on Saturday and he and Eva Peron are getting along like hammers and sickles. Every sentence he spat was “free this” and “free that”. He’ll Executice Order open borders on day one. He’ll EO free college. He’ll EO free healthcare.

    Our form of government is wholly unsuited to these leftwing tyrants’ fantasies. Laugh at them if you must but the people they rile up will need to eat a bullet.

  7. “I am not a socialist, but I do play one on TV and I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. I campaign for an admitted socialist and I ran for office as a democratic socialist. Oh, and I do want the government to run everything, but I am not a socialist. you are all radical capitalist pigs”


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