Ocasio-Cortez Strikes Back At McCaskill, Accuses Her Of ‘Covering For The GOP’ – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez Strikes Back At McCaskill, Accuses Her Of ‘Covering For The GOP’


The war between ousted Missouri Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill and New York Democratic Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez heated up on Saturday as Ocasio-Cortez tweeted about her confusion over McCaskill’s recent comments.

Responding to a CNN interview McCaskill gave last week, Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, “Not sure why fmr Sen. McCaskill keeps going on TV to call me a ‘thing’ and ‘shiny object,’ but it’s pretty disappointing.”

McCaskill’s actual comments were slightly less offensive in context — the exiting Senator wished Ocasio-Cortez well while warning her, however clumsily, that talk is cheap.

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11 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez Strikes Back At McCaskill, Accuses Her Of ‘Covering For The GOP’

  1. Oh, beautiful♪♪ for spacious skies, and amber waves of grain♪♪ {We are SO fortunate to be citizens of this great country. Then we have those inflicted with Cat-Scratch Fever and TDS…oh, beautiful}

  2. Oh dear! Occasional-Cortex in the US Congress and way too many people want to run Robert O’Rourke….. (ah, Beto is the non-racist version) …..based on nothing but looks.

    We have come a long way, folks, and it seems the slide down may not be over. ….Lady in Red

  3. I wonder why reports will quote a ‘twitt’ within their story, and then requote the ‘twitt’ in a different format, right below.

    It’s not like what was ‘twitted’ is difficult to understand. It’s not because the ‘twitt’ is profound.
    It’s not because the ‘twitt’ is funny or memorable.
    It is extremely irritating to read nonsense twice, adjacent to each other.

    Does anyone know? I am certain it is just one of those things that tweaks my antennae, like calling the Democrat party the “Democratic’ Party. i.e. “Nancy Pelosi is a member of the Democratic party’ That party is in no way Democratic!

  4. “Now it’s all about social media, the cable networks, the unedited crap,” McCaskill continued.
    In other words, the Dimmicrat base.
    I love when the guppies eat each other.

  5. Ahh, the left is beginning to eat its own…sit back and watch the show folks because it’ll get more interesting as they throw each other under the bus.

    Wait until the former Madam Secretary starts feeling the heat….seems as more of their treasonous shenanigans have surfaced she and her old boss are, as Elmer Fudd used to say, “be[ing] verree, verree qwuiet”…now THAT will be fun to watch those two blame each other.

  6. “I’m also not sure why McCaskill is covering for the GOP by saying they ‘secretly think Trump is nuts,’”

    Sweetie, she’s not covering for the GOP, she’s covering for the UniParty. You’ll find out about that in due time.

    “Trump is melting down our institutions…”

    I’m old enough to remember when they told me that Trump himself was melting down. Time Magazine even had two covers telling me so. But y’all do what you must to keep “Trump melt-down” current.


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