Ocasio-Cortez: U.S. Deliberately Drugging Kids In Cages Due To ‘Their National Origin’ – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez: U.S. Deliberately Drugging Kids In Cages Due To ‘Their National Origin’

DW: Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed without evidence on Wednesday that U.S. officials are “deliberately” trying to “cage children and inject them with drugs” because “of their national origin.”

Ocasio-Cortez made the remarks while streaming an Instagram live video of herself drinking and assemblying furniture in her apartment.

While attacking Republicans for calling out her mistakes, Ocasio-Cortez said: “At least I’m not trying to cage children at the border and inject them with drugs. That’s not a mistake. That is a deliberate policy to attack people based on their national origin. That’s not a mistake, that’s just hatred. That’s just cruelty. That’s just wrong!”




31 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez: U.S. Deliberately Drugging Kids In Cages Due To ‘Their National Origin’

  1. My impression is that she’s under pressure and can’t take it. The pressure is not so much from the republicans, but rather from folks in her OWN PARTY. The democrats are now busy eating their own. Need more popcorn.

  2. What an outrageous lie.
    And the people who follow her believed it, just take what she says at face value and don’t even bother to look it up.

    What drugs? What the fuck.
    And Obama and Bush started the cages, to protect the kids from sexual predators that came in with them in DROVES.

    Not that I think it justifies the use of cages, but again, that isn’t something you can blame on this current administration.

  3. Those little border jumpers were just being wormed before they contaminate the native population. She should be examined for the same thing, she’s showing signs of parasitic brain swelling.

  4. She will never complete her term. In just three months she is falling apart at the seams, her rhetoric is flakier than a semi load of Tony flakes, her constituents are pissed about the amazon screw up and she has run just about to the end of her chain. It’s just a matter of time until the powers that be get rid of her or her own 16K voters recall her.
    I hate to see her go. She has illustrated the sheer idiocy of the left better than anyone could describe, consequently aiding the Republican party immensely. I hope I’m wrong and she does complete her term but I highly doubt she will be re-elected.

  5. “of their national origin”

    Well, not to put too fine a point on it, but if the maggots were in their nation of national origin, the gov’t wouldn’t have access to them.

    Fuck the False Narrative.

    Fuck Ocasio-Cortez. (ewwwww!)

    The stinking treasonous RINOs will be apologizing in 30 seconds.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Seriously when this as intelligent as a porn star representative opens her mouth there is no bottom to her stupidity.

    When you first hear a new statement attributed to her you’re thinking this is a meme and certainly this idiot could have said that.

    Then you you discover that, this idiot did say that.

  7. They’re called vaccinations, you stupid bint. Even the Democrats recognize the public health crisis created by anti-vaxxers, let alone thousands of unvaccinated illegals. The Walking Dead was oddly prescient.

  8. Gee Wally, it’s getting so bad even the Preposterous say she’s preposterous!!

    Ahhhh Beave, I think you mean absurd.
    Preposterous is too big of a word for her to understand…

  9. Okay, AOC…PROVE IT! In the internet era, no one has to prove anything. The blurb gets out and circulates and is quickly the ‘truth’ in terms of popular consciousness.

  10. @Moochoman; there’s no recall provision for a member of Congress or the Senate or the President for that matter.

    Her constituents may be mad as hell at her but they can’t do a damn thing about it until the next federal election. Before the election they can try to beat her in a nomination fight if they can find a decent candidate. If that doesn’t work they can run another liberal (but not insane about it) in the election to split votes off her. This will probably mean a GOP victory (if the GOP can foid a decent candidate) or they can just vote for the GOP candidate. This would mean that at least for two years this seat turns to the GOP but it would give district Dems time to find and groom a good candidate for 2022.

  11. Somewhat ironic, after the left spent decades drugging boys with Ritalin so they could be more easily controlled by the government mind control centers they call public schools.


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