Ocasio-Cortez’s absurd “concentration camp” comment is exposed by a 2014 Reuters piece – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez’s absurd “concentration camp” comment is exposed by a 2014 Reuters piece

Reuters: U.S. to open third military base to illegal child immigrants.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Obama administration on Monday announced it is designating a third U.S. military base for emergency housing of children immigrating illegally into the United States without parents or relatives, as the cost of caring for these minors escalated.

Senior administration officials, who asked not to be identified, told reporters that an Army base at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, will initially hold 600 “unaccompanied minors” and eventually will be able to accommodate up to 1,200.

In recent weeks, the Obama administration has opened similar emergency shelters at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, and Naval Base Ventura County in Southern California.

The moves come amid a tidal wave of children trying to slip into the United States, largely from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, often to join a parent already here.

Reuters previously reported that the administration was seeking about $2 billion for the Department of Health and Human Services to handle the influx in fiscal 2015, which begins on Oct. 1, more than double the $868 million appropriated this year.

HHS takes custody of the children shortly after they are detained at the border by federal law enforcement agents.

On Monday, administration officials said they would be asking Congress for an additional $560 million to help the Department of Homeland Security cope with the illegal border crossings.

One week ago, the White House director of domestic policy, Cecilia Munoz, attributed the rapid run-up in illegal immigration by unaccompanied minors to growing violence — often drug related or due to domestic abuse — in the three Central American countries. read more

h/t Dan Bongino.


It is the same Fort Sill which was used as an internment camp for the Japanese at the direction of Franklin D. Roosevelt. But the Enemedia today will not mention that it wasn’t Trump’s idea to house the overflow of illegal aliens from the US/Mexico border in Fort Sill until they are processed out, it was 0bama’s.

Normally, I would say people like Occasional-Cortex are just lying about history to serve their purpose. But that chick is just DUMB. End of story.

9 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez’s absurd “concentration camp” comment is exposed by a 2014 Reuters piece

  1. I read somewhere once that the only person in government who objected to FDR’s idea to round up Japanese people and put them in camps was J Edgar Hoover. Earl Warren, then Governor of California was all for it. Warren later became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. A flaming liberal.
    Correct me if I’m wrong.
    Today liberals hate J Edgar Hoover. But I agree, he was no Jim Comey, a rat bastard.

  2. I was getting some tires put on in the middle of America yesterday….raining hard, gonna take maybe 2 hours….Mexican restaurant across the street where I theoretically could have had some Guacamole and a margarita…treated rudely and walked out and I was the only customer….It’s kind of sad that the Beaners lost their respect of AMERICA….

  3. Jeh Johnson actually talked about the fact that they started putting people in these camps because they wanted to change the expectation that they would be released into the public, so fewer people would make the trek northward.

    In other words the 0bama administration was doing it with the exact intent that Occasional-Cortex is saying is bad.

  4. Geronimo was held and buried at Ft Sill, at least for a bit. His bones may have been re-interned. Visited my colonel cousin there in 87′. Saw the tombstone.

    FT Sill is the home of the US Calvary. As in tanks before the horses.

  5. I still wonder what happened to ibamination’s Illegal, unaccompanied children. Groomed to service demoncrat debauchery? Remember that he was placing them all over America.

    We may never know the depth of the putrid sinkhole of the obamination reign of terror.


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