
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez cost 25,000 Amazon jobs that New Yorkers could ill afford to lose. The year that Cortez won her election, New York suffered the worst population decline of any other state.

Why are they leaving?

Some, like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s mother, are leaving because of high taxes. “I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I’m paying $600 a year in Florida,” Blanca Ocasio-Cortez explained.

Some claim that nobody leaves New York because of the taxes. Cortez’s mother proves them wrong.

But millennials are leaving in record numbers because there are no jobs. New York’s under eighteen population is down 4%. That’s not surprising since their unemployment rate is 78% higher than the New York City average. That leaves 100,000+ New York millennials with no jobs and no future.

New York City offers few options for a middle class outside government work. The formerly working-class city has been retooled to cater to hipster expat millennials. Cortez, child of a Westchester architect who parlayed a hipster gig into a spot in Congress and a social media following, is the perfect representative of the wealthy millennials treating working class neighborhoods as their playground. Cortez is popular because she’s living out their narcissistic fantasy of a slacktivist revolution.

But the Cortez crowd comes and goes. New York City isn’t a permanent destination, but an entertaining stop on their journey. They’re a reliable source of lefty chaos, but not a remotely reliable tax base.

Millennials who want a middle-class life are leaving for cities like Houston where they can still find it. Those left behind are stuck between the soap bubble economy of trendy restaurants and boutiques catering to expats that may pick up and go at any moment, and the dreary realities of an economy where millennial workers earn less at the bottom than they do anywhere else in the country.

New York City’s unemployment rate is already worse than the state and the national average.

City Hall’s solution is gulping more socialist snake oil. After the $15 minimum wage passed, restaurants responded by cutting hours and staff, and 3,000 restaurant jobs vanished. Instead of learning the lesson, Venezuela on the Hudson is doubling down with regulations preventing workers from being fired.

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  1. This article reminds me of France with the regulation that no employee can be fired and of Toronto, in which only the rich or the poor (government pays them) can live. When we were in France in 2005, my teen-age daughter was appalled at the poor service in restaurants. I told her that this is because the staff cannot be fired so work when they feel like it. I could see the writing on the wall and escaped Toronto in 2002 for western Canada. I have had a very good life since.

  2. The conclusion I reached after reading that article: I’ve got to get the hell out of Illinois. I live in the 2nd wealthiest county of Illinois and for decades it was republican controlled. Up until November 2016, and the democrats took over. We’re now circling the drain. On the other hand, a part of me wants to stick around to see how quickly this place falls to ruins. My schadenfreude is showing.

  3. When you raise a population that believes, without any doubt or self-reflection, they are and what they say is most important.
    It’s a bitter harvest, best burnt in the field, like ergot infected rye.


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