Occasional Cortex has racked up several ethics complaints since she began her first congressional term – IOTW Report

Occasional Cortex has racked up several ethics complaints since she began her first congressional term

DC- Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has racked up several ethics complaints since she began her first congressional term.

She has yet to address one of the most damning reports about her campaign team’s actions during the election.

Two watchdog groups have filed ethics complaints against Ocasio-Cortez for misusing her resources as a congresswoman with the Office of Congressional Ethics, while another group filed a complaint with Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging she and her chief of staff set up a million-dollar private slush fund. Ocasio-Cortez’s term officially began in January.

Ocasio-Cortez “improperly converted U.S. House resources to her non-official, personal use by obtaining an official ‘@mail.house.gov’ e-mail address for her boyfriend, despite the fact he was not employed by her congressional office,” the Coolidge-Reagan Foundation claimed in a complaint Thursday.

She also falsely designated her boyfriend, Riley Roberts, a “staff” member to help secure the address, the group noted. The Coolidge-Reagan Foundation’s website champions itself as a first amendment watchdog group that defends, protects and advances “liberty.”


20 Comments on Occasional Cortex has racked up several ethics complaints since she began her first congressional term

  1. Responsible voters always seem outnumbered by the “gimmie” crowd and they are well represented by the likes of stupid and vicious morons like this skanky bitch.

  2. I guess the House is going to pass a resolution condemning graft and corruption by Ocasio-Co////⁄—–the Republican House, especially those members in the so-called “Freedom Caucus” who belong to the party of Richard Nixon, thee most corrupt politician Evaar. And white, too.

  3. She views the corruption and graft as a right. “I’m so much better than those little people, I deserve to do what I think is right because the little people installed these restrictive laws. The laws hamper me from being my best, so I must ignore them in order to give the maximum help to those same little people I am overseeing. Actually, it’s for their own good that I break the law”.

  4. Thanks Perry!
    Now I know why President Trump said “…right now we have people in Congress that hate our country…and we can name every one of them if we want.”

  5. @johnny I just posted that video under the story about Ilhan Omar. Both Cortez and Omar get pretty lost when they get asked questions that aren’t softballs. They are puppets and I don’t think they write their own tweets.

  6. She’s a scummy megalomaniac, unworthy of her position. So of course she’s stealing everything in sight!

    The fiction of hillary clinton (America’s smartest woman) lowered the bar for the likes of barack and michelle obama, who in turn lowered the bar for turds like cortez, omar, tlaib etc.

    Who is cortez lowering the bar for – or has it finally hit the floor?

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