Occasional-Cortex taking a few days off for ‘self-care’ to prepare for new job – IOTW Report

Occasional-Cortex taking a few days off for ‘self-care’ to prepare for new job

Breitbart: Rep.-elect Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) took to Twitter on Monday to announce that she is taking a “few days” to pamper herself with “self-care” in preparation for new new job in Congress.

I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term.

For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political – not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed./1


27 Comments on Occasional-Cortex taking a few days off for ‘self-care’ to prepare for new job

  1. F4UCorsair- No idea. ‘doing a face mask’ in her group must mean ‘me time’.
    I don’t know what ‘financially stressed’ has to do with it. Unless she’s pissed that she can’t afford to go to a spa and thinks people are calling her cheap for using a face mask while bitching about why they won’t let her put the US on medicaid and sign bills? Who the frick knows?! Or… She’s just speaking in tards. er. tongues.

  2. She should steam clean her vagina. I’ve heard that’s way up there on the ‘self care’ menu items.

    Or maybe she should blow her brains out with a 12 gauge shotgun. That ain’t yet nearly popular with brain dead populist democrats.

    Shame that.

  3. “My guess is that she will break several federal laws in her first year.”

    …pronably true, @mickey moussaoui, but no penalty because, Democrat, so why NOT break laws…

  4. ” I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term.

    For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political – not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed./1″

    Then again, you “self care” girl. The people you about to be working around going to redefine that where you get to be a millionaire. You’re gonna’ love it! Insider stock market trading you can’t be prosecuted for, passing legislation that fucks little people and shovels tons of cash straight to you, you gonna’ dance all night and get rich!

    It’s what gettin’ ‘lected is all about, girl!

    Just as long as some dis affected, dis connected, pissed off redneck that knows you for the communist you are don’t decide to JFK your ass.

    That do be a concern.

    But you party on girl!

  5. She tries to think, but nothing happens…except for the stupid things that come out of her big unhinged mouth.

    She could eat an apple through a picket fence, except that her mouth would just flap around.

  6. “Just as long as some dis affected, dis connected, pissed off redneck that knows you for the communist you are don’t decide to JFK your ass.”

    …actually, @Lowell, I think she’d have more to worry about if she gets crosswise with Hillary, like if she decides to run for President in 2020, but the result will be the same…

  7. Let’s clear up the confusion.

    She’s referring to “self-care” because her “face mask” is a psychological response to being self-shamed and broke, unable to afford someone else to pamper her (which she feels she deserves). She should feel shamed, and, furthermore, she’s never figured how to correct her financial ineptitude – except to become a socialist and run for Congress to spread her misery. The shame she feels is typical of depraved losers who never take any responsibility. She no doubt shares these traits with the people who voted for her. And, to me, this fact is what’s so alarming about her.

  8. She’s likely to do some stupid things but I suspect that the Democrat Party has assigned minders to her in order to ensure her fuckups aren’t major ones. I’m not sure how she’ll handle that level of control and she may just surprise us and break free of them and do something really, really stupid.

  9. Spoken like a true despot. She believes her financial self sacrifice on behalf of the struggle, “For working people, immigrants, & the poor …” is a noble deed.
    Then the idiot tries to get ahead of her critics by stating correctly her “self-care” will be viewed as selfish, narcissist act.
    She’s dangerously stupid and anti-American – so are the people who voted for her.

  10. We had that colon-cleansing chair here the other day. Maybe she needs to borrow it 🙂

    /she probably has time to go to willysgoatgruff’s goat’s birthday party too ain’t that sweet


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