Occasional-Cortex: Trump Needs To Explain Why ICE Should Still Be Funded – IOTW Report

Occasional-Cortex: Trump Needs To Explain Why ICE Should Still Be Funded

Have you noticed AOC’s left eye usually blinks independently of her right eye?



DC: Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez used her appearance on MSNBC — following President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address on Tuesday night — to demand the president explain why ICE shouldn’t be abolished.

Ocasio-Cortez began, “No one should feel unsafe in the United States of America. And that includes our amazing and beautiful and productive immigrant community and moreover, the one thing the president has not talked about is the fact he has systematically engaged in the violation of international human rights borders — human rights on our border.”

During the president’s speech, he explained why he felt the border wall was essential to protect American citizens. Congressional Democratic leadership delivered a counter-speech immediately after Trump finished.

“He talked about what happened the day after Christmas on the day of Christmas, a child died in ICE custody. The president should not be asking for more money to an agency that has systematically violated human rights,” she continued. “The president should be really defending why we are funding such an agency at all because right now what we are seeing is death.”

The eight-year-old Guatemalan boy who passed away did so after receiving medical treatment for a cold and a fever.

39 Comments on Occasional-Cortex: Trump Needs To Explain Why ICE Should Still Be Funded

  1. I challenge Ms. Cortez who claims “No one should feel unsafe in the United States of America” to head on over to our border states and spend a night on one of the ranches. It is really easy for a NY liberal that has never been in a border state to tell you we don’t need ICE.

  2. Mongoloid????? LOLOL

    If asked she’d respond…”I’m from the Bronx, not Mongolia”.

    We can only hope this cretin stays front & center leading up to 2020. It’ll remind everyone what’s at stake.

  3. Are you…

    – Enthusiastic?
    – Superficially Good Looking?
    – Desperately Craving Fame & Adulation?
    – Stupid?

    Do you…

    – Enjoy Making Shit Up Regardless of Facts?
    – Possess a College Degree from a Woke University?
    – Think Calling People Racist is a Legitimate Argument?
    – Hate Your Own Country and Most of the People in It?

    …Then You May Have a Future as a Democrat Politician for the New Generation!

  4. Miss Cotex, does your “No one should feel unsafe in the United States of America” statement apply to the thousands of innocent Americans killed by illegal drug dealers, drunk drivers, gang members, human traffickers, thieves, robbers, kidnappers, ISIS, and sworn enemies who come here to live on welfare while killing us? Just wondering.

  5. She is the epitome of what it means to be a twenty-something female Democrat. Of course that infers that she is naive in the extreme. Democrat Party heavyweights like the Clintons, Schumer, Pelosi etc won’t have any compunction disappearing her.

  6. the people in NYC are very happy with her in Congress for two years. as far as qualifications, does she have an address in her home district-what was that?14??-in order to qualify for her position or even vote? could not afford an apartment in NYC? had to wait to get paid her fed check to get a place in DC?
    dizziens of the subways are all happy to have her in DC because it means she is not there breathing their air.

  7. She talks about the “productive” immigrant community while failing to mention that she’s talking about the illegal immigrant community and that the only reason they’re so “productive” is that they’ve taken away millions of jobs that should be held by actual citizens, keeping the black unemployment rate high, lowering wages for most low or semi skilled jobs (putting mucho dollars into the pockets of the rich that she so abhors) and increasing crime through their own actions and by denying real jobs to Americans. While she is going to beclown the Dems for the next couple of years she still needs to be taken out back and beaten until sense actually begins to flow into that brain of hers.

  8. Another fine product of the public education system. She is obviously from a family that recently immigrated here from some craphole country where the government does all the things she wants ours to do.

  9. AOC isn’t the biggest threat to the future of the country. The biggest threat to the country are the increasing numbers of people who vote AOC and like-minded people like her into public office.

  10. Trump: It’s your flaming nostrils, dear.

    AOC: Flaming nostrils?

    Trump: Yes. I don’t like them. They’re the nostrils of a hot-blooded but not-too-bright Latin woman. That’s why we need ICE, and a wall.

    AOC: That’s racist and sexist.

    Trump: Didn’t you say that all men are “feelthy peegs”?

    AOC: Yes, I said it, but only white American men are feelthy peegs.

    Trump: That’s what I thought you said.

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