Occupy Lafayette Square Protestors Planning 50 Day ‘White House Siege,’ say ‘Things Could Turn Very Ugly’ – IOTW Report

Occupy Lafayette Square Protestors Planning 50 Day ‘White House Siege,’ say ‘Things Could Turn Very Ugly’

Sara Carter: On Sep. 17, the ninth anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, protestors are planning to begin a “siege” of the White House that will last fifty days—right up until Nov. 3. The website for the event is planning to bring thousands of protestors into Lafayette Square to “lay siege to the White House.” The site also warns that “the possibility of a civil war breaking out sometime next year is no joke.”

The organizers are citing two main reasons for the planned occupation: an alleged lack of progress on Wall Street since the 2009 occupation and that “Trump is trying to steal the election . . . and things could turn very ugly very quickly as November 3rd approaches.” One image used depicts the White House on fire and others show large riots directly in front of the building.

The FBI recommended contacting the Secret Service for comment. The Secret Service and the Department of Justice have not responded to this reporter’s requests for comment in time for publication.

The specific demands are not clear but the site raises concerns about President Trump refusing to leave office if he loses and that “white supremacists are waiting in the wings, spoiling for a violent showdown.”

These online ramblings are calling for “#METOOers, #BLM activists, Extinction Rebels, Sunrisers, and CodePinks,” to organize and join in Lafayette Park and to create “pop-up sieges at federal buildings in dozens of cities.” more here

24 Comments on Occupy Lafayette Square Protestors Planning 50 Day ‘White House Siege,’ say ‘Things Could Turn Very Ugly’

  1. Too bad I don’t work in DC anymore. I could have earned xx,xxx dollars over and above my hourly rate with that bullshit.

    Is that a bad way to consider it?

    I don’t know… I always made a lot of money off of idiots.

    Like Linwood used to say, (and in my younger years I thought Linwood was an asshole) “Where there is confusion there is money to be made.”

    These days I wholeheartedly agree with Linwood. And I have to add, Linwood was a G-d fearing man.

    This was Linwood S. For the people who know me and would think I was talking bad about a different Linwood.

  2. This story has been floating around the Internet for several weeks. If it comes off, it should add several million votes to President Trump’s column and thoroughly destroy the peaceful protesters myth. It should also make rounding up all these rioters and looters much easier for the Federal Forces that will be guarding the White House.

  3. btw, September 17 is also the anniversary of the greatest amount of US casualties in a single day …. September 17, 1863 … Sharpsburg, MD

    coincidence? … no, they’re trying to erase our history by using staged events designed to happen on the same day

  4. The crying antifa Commander Red was armed with a flamethrower. Smoke bombs and fireworks. But insist he wasn’t planning on doin nuffin.

    Well, I don’t recall reading the flamethrower detail before about this waste of space.

    https://www.zerohedge.com/political/flamethrower-packing-antifa-entered-fetal-position-and-began-crying-after-unsuccessful?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=miximedia&utm_campaign=zerohedge .

    I believe the WH will plan for lowlife criminals like that crap weasel to be part of the planned White House Siege event. And the FBI, SS, DOJ won’t say much to avoid tipping them off about what’s planned for them if they turn violent. [However, maybe Kamala will still be raising funds for bailing them out of jail. I hope the bail is set very high, or better they’re held with no bail until after Nov 3d]

    Really, I’m expecting this fool’s errand planned event to result in a backfire for them, and an increase of Trump’s approval leading up to election day. And more votes for Trump.

  5. Probably a really bad place to not peacefully protest. Could there possibly be a plan for just such a scenario? Along with every other scenario. How many sniper hides? Underground tunnels? How many red dots on your chest before you decide to yield?

  6. Molon Aabe, thanks for bringing up Antietam the bloodiest day in US history. I can’t even begin to fathom how many casualties on both the Union and Confederate sides were killed and wounded on that day. Let’s hope we never have to fight another Civil war but if the left brings it they will lose. For some reason September has always been an important month, 9/11 2001 etc. And for me I was married on Sunday Sept. 11, 1977, the day after my wife’s 21st birthday. I was 24 and she was 21, it’s hard to believe that was only 43 years ago, it does and it doesn’t seem like it was like a long time ago but it was.

  7. Oh – things are GONNA get FUGGIN’ ugly alright. 😡

    Especially since the Cracka’s Be Protestin’ don’t realize, there are MISSILE BATTERIES on top of the White House. 😮

    NEVER… bring a bottle of urine, and a handful of poo… to a guided missile fight… 😳

  8. These pukes want to “lay seige” to the WH?
    Haven’t they ever heard of the Secret Service, and the lengths they’ll go to protect even an unpopular president (like O’Bozo)? Much less a popular president like DJT.

    And if that gets to be a bother, there’s always the military. After all DJT IS the CiC.

    Pull up the comfy chair, bring out the popcorn and libations, this will be fun to watch.
    I’m especially thinking about how hot and HUMID it will be……..(lived there, done that).

  9. The Left has every intention of taking over this country and will stop at nothing to do it.

    There are very, very powerful forces behind them and they have a very high probability of doing it.

    Trump was a brief interruption of their plans, just an interruption, and you can see how they have reacted so far. They are seeing this election as the trigger for the final push to take over no matter who wins, the only difference being how they do it.

    We’ve had four years to prepare for it, anyone not having done so yet is probably going to find themselves unable to do so now. If you’re not already ready, it’s too late for you.

  10. 13 hours – Hillary in charge Benghazi
    13 minutes – Trump in charge Bagdad
    13 seconds – After the secret service get a side glance from DJT.

    The White House is not Portland. Trump & Bar Will not wait for a Mayor to respond.

  11. I told my mom and sister that civil war is very real right now, in fact technically speaking we’re already experiencing a smaller scale one.

    God protect the innocent lives throughout this.


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