Ocean Acidification Effects Research in Doubt – IOTW Report

Ocean Acidification Effects Research in Doubt


News Report by Kip Hansen – 7 May 2021

The unfortunately named “Ocean Acidification” (OA) has hit the news again – and not in a good way.  Much of the research reporting adverse effects of  OA on fish has come out of Australia’s James Cook University, 50%  of it (43 out of 85 major papers) from the lab team headed by Philip Munday.  OA research is hot topic research, as it relates to CO2 emissions, fossil fuel use, coral reefs and climate change.  There are allegations of fraud.

If you are not familiar with what OA is and the controversies surrounding it, you can read my earlier essays on the topic:  hereherehereherehere and a bit in this one.

Note:  I say “unfortunately named ‘Ocean Acidification’” because the name might  cause some people to think, just because of the name, that the ocean might be or become acidic, neither of which is the case. MORE HERE

6 Comments on Ocean Acidification Effects Research in Doubt

  1. Most of what comes out of Academia is either worthless or deleterious.
    Worthless is better, of course, and everything connected with the Globaloney Warming/Cooling Scam, Inc. is worthless, deleterious, and dishonest.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “He set out to Lizard Island to repeat the work with predator cues, thinking he could unravel the physiology behind the phenomenon…But he didn’t get the same results at all.”

    The Replication Crisis rears its ugly head again. Steve Sailer wrote about it five years ago:

    “One cause of the Replication Crisis has been that analysts grant themselves excessive post hoc liberties to crunch the numbers however many ways it takes to find something”€”anything”€”that is “€œstatistically significant“€ (which isn”€™t the same as actually significant) and thus qualifies as a paper for publish-or-perish…”


    Most of what passes for scientific research these days fails spectacularly under the least bit of scrutiny. The hard part is getting the media to report failures and fraud which run counter to the narrative.

  3. Just a few years ago, a couple of scientists set out to prove a point. They created totally fake “scientific research” and proved a theory. It was peer-reviewed, and published in a prestigious scientific journal before they revealed their hoax.

  4. Hold on a minute. Are you saying there’s a chance that government-funded research tends to result in conclusions that favor more government funding? Color me shocked.


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