Oceans Are Not Warming So Fast After All – IOTW Report

Oceans Are Not Warming So Fast After All

CFP: You may have recently read or hard that the oceans were warming much faster than originally thought thus hastening our impending global warming. I certainly read such information in the San Francisco Chronicle.

Well, surprise, surprise, it is not happening after all.

A study that claimed to find 60 percent more warming in the oceans had some math errors. Scientists behind the headline-grabbing climate study admitted they ‘really muffed’ their paper. 1

The researchers, to their credit, issued a major correction to the study.2

The paper, published in the scientific journal Nature, suggested ocean temperatures have risen roughly 60 percent higher than estimated by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 3 But, after errors in the authors’ methodology were identified, they realized their findings were roughly in line with those of the IPCC after all.

The researchers’ alarming findings were uncritically reported by numerous mainstream-media outlets including the BBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Scientific American and the previously mentioned San Francisco Chronicle among others. 4

Nicholas Lewis, a mathematician and critic of the consensus on man-made climate change is the person who quickly identified the errors.  read more

16 Comments on Oceans Are Not Warming So Fast After All

  1. Scientific American? What a laugh. But, the IPCC (UN outfit) estimates are likely inflated as well. The new study may have inflated bogus estimates. I wouldn’t give the researchers any credit for acknowledging the mistakes in a study that should never have been published.

    For the fools of the world that dine on this crap, the damage has already been done. They will remember the headlines, not the admission of error.

  2. Ok, so the article in Nature was off from the IPCC’s estimate. They were checked and admitted a math error. What about the original IPCC estimate? Is any credible agency going to check their facts and figures?

  3. “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.” ..
    “Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt.” ..
    “We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way can we find progress.” …
    “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” …
    — Richard Feynman

  4. Is this what we can expect from the idiots who want to form man-made clouds to block the sun and cool the earth? “Oops, we cooled the earth 30 degrees instead of 3. Our bad”

  5. larrytheenlightenedliberal

    If the oceans get colder and the land gets warmer (which is what’s happening in your fevered imagination), does that mean overall global warming, overall global cooling, or global temperatures remaining the same?

    Pick one, Larry (no, not a nostril).


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