Octopus Bites Woman – IOTW Report

18 Comments on Octopus Bites Woman

  1. A lot of ladies will do a wet tee shirt contest photo when they’ve been drinking. This one wears an octopus on her face. I think I’ll take the wet tee shirt contest girls.

  2. I don’t know, think it was not the first time for her to be pussy bitten in the face.
    Wonders, hopefully tea bagging is now not out of the question,,,,
    Before you ask, yep, Deplorable.
    And damn proud of it!

  3. Odd state. There’s nothing alive in Arizona that you can pick up and stick to your face that won’t kill you.

    Seems like this is a viral challenge we should be encouraging.

  4. @Hambone you beat me to it. I was thinking that anyone who experiences this painful thing and then says they “probably” made a mistake, has not sunk low enough to learn their lesson.

    And that’s on top of lacking the built-in mechanism of most, who instinctively know not to do something like that in the first place. SMFH.

  5. I remember a Story from Paul Theroux’s “Pillars of Hercules”

    A Woman complained to the Security Guard at Gibralter.

    “I pinched that Monkey, Then It bit Me”

    All the stupid People, Where do They all come from….


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