Off- duty cops working Lynx game walk out over player comments, warm-up jerseys – IOTW Report

Off- duty cops working Lynx game walk out over player comments, warm-up jerseys

StarTribune– Four off-duty Minneapolis police officers working the Minnesota Lynx game at Target Center on Saturday night walked off the job after the players held a news conference denouncing racial profiling, then wore Black Lives Matter pregame warm-up jerseys.

Lt. Bob Kroll, president of the Minneapolis Police Federation, the union that represents rank-and-file officers, praised them for quitting. “I commend them for it,” he said.

Kroll said the four officers also removed themselves from a list of officers working future games. He did not know who the officers were. “Others said they heard about it and they were not going to work Lynx games,” he said.

Asked if other officers will fill in for those who quit, Kroll said, “If [the players] are going to keep their stance, all officers may refuse to work there.”

The three-time WNBA champions wore black T-shirts that read “Change starts with us, justice and accountability” and on the back had Philando Castile’s and Alton Sterling’s names along with “Black Lives Matter” and a Dallas Police Department emblem.  more

14 Comments on Off- duty cops working Lynx game walk out over player comments, warm-up jerseys

  1. I imagine it’s still tough for this woman’s basketball league to turn a profit and be taken seriously and this little political statement didn’t help. I wonder if the league headquarters made a call or two to the teams front office explaining things in words they could understand.
    I’m glad the cops walked out but it had to have been a tough decision. I’m sure the cops have families and probably depended on the bucks from this gig but it was nice to see that at least 4 placed respect over dollars (however much those dollars were needed). The cops union ought to jump in here and tell it’s members that they are not to take any WNBA security gigs in the future until the four players as well as the organisation issues a formal apology.

  2. Actions have consequences. And the Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences is a bitch. It must be tough to be stuck on Stoopid.

    Good on the police officers to walk out. I hope that they did so in a manner that the public noticed.

  3. Dike chicks should be able to defend themselves. Aren’t men as useless as “fish on a bicycle” to them?
    Very glad the officers walked away from this leftist clown show.

  4. Minnesota is full of liberal progressives accentuating division.
    As the state welcomes more illegal muslim refugees, things will change when Sharia courts are established. Or as in Dearbornistan, when the populace is forced to leave for safer surroundings.

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