Officer Shot in Dallas Ambush Sues Social Media – IOTW Report

Officer Shot in Dallas Ambush Sues Social Media DART Officer Jesus Retana, who was wounded in the July 7, 2016, police ambush in downtown Dallas, has sued Facebook, Twitter and Google, saying their platforms knowingly support terrorist groups.

Jesus Retana, 34, and his husband, Andrew Moss, filed the lawsuit in federal court Wednesday. Retana, who began working for Dallas Area Rapid Transit police in 2006, was shot in the arm during the ambush.

The lawsuit says Micah Johnson, the gunman who killed five police officers in the attack, was radicalized in part by the terrorist group Hamas’ use of Facebook, Twitter and Google.

The companies knowingly provided Hamas “with accounts to use its social networks as a tool for spreading extremist propaganda, raising funds, and attracting new recruits,” Retana and Moss say.

A spokesman for Twitter declined to comment on the lawsuit. Representatives for Facebook and Google did not respond to requests for comment.   more here


14 Comments on Officer Shot in Dallas Ambush Sues Social Media

  1. I spent most of the day shooting with my counties finest. They suck. They have no idea. They qualify with two mags every 6 months. I was polite, I was consoling. Out of ten, nine had stock Glock sights on their guns. I’m to old for this shit. I won’t do that again. Not to mention we were in the National Forrest in three feet of snow,.

  2. When you start censoring some things but not others using some alleged standard, you open yourself up to liability for those you don’t censor and let stand that violate that standard.

    It becomes what you are advocating and you are as liable for it as if you had said it yourself.

  3. ‘It becomes what you are advocating and you are as liable for it as if you had said it yourself.’
    Unless you are too cowardly to identify yourself,,,
    Tag, your it!
    By all means, Unite!

  4. If this gets in front of a jury then Facebook, Twitter and Google are in extremely big trouble. The actual damages would be small but the punitive damages (the one that encourages a company not to repeat the action or to encourage them to take corrective action) is usually based on the worth of the company. How much would the punitive fine for a company worth $100 Billion dollars? Five Billion? Ten Billion?. In 2009 Google was worth $154 billion. Juries love these numbers. AlphaBet inc which owns Google is worth something like $250 Billion. While huge awards might not stand (although if no error in the trial is found then they could be on the hook and will start to negotiate threatening to draw out the process using every legal trick in the book to put off paying until the plaintiff surrenders). A loss by one of the majors would drive the others into panic mode and that would be worth the price of a popcorn and coke.


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