Officer suspended for ignoring orders to shoot 2 healthy bear cubs – IOTW Report

Officer suspended for ignoring orders to shoot 2 healthy bear cubs

bear black cubs

Examiner– Suspending a conservation officer for refusing to kill two perfectly healthy bear cubs has the Canadian Conservation Office on the social media radar this week. The cubs were found in a tree near their mother who was killed after she was found eating salmon out of a mobile home’s freezer, according to MSN News on July 10.

The bear cubs are only about two months old and they never entered the Port Hardy home in British Columbia, the conservation officer discovered during his investigation of the incident. Bruce Casavant decided to save the cubs and transported them to the North Island Wildlife Recovery Association. This is what prompted his suspension without pay by his superiors because he didn’t follow their orders of euthanizing the bears.  more

22 Comments on Officer suspended for ignoring orders to shoot 2 healthy bear cubs

  1. A man gave my uncle a bear cub many years ago. He raised it until it was a huge adult. It escaped it’s cage when my uncle was at work and he had to go home to try to get it under control. He couldn’t and decided shooting it was in the interest of public safety. He took his .44 Magnum and shot it right between the eyes from five feet away. The bear roared and ran like a scalded ape knocking my uncle over. It ran under my grandmother’s house and eventually was drawn out with wieners. He followed the trail of wieners back to his cage. Seems the bullet glanced off his skull between the skull and hide and exited near his right ear. He acted kind of weird for a while, but made a full recovery. Bears are tough!

  2. My dad found a bear cub in Burma during WW2. The mother had been shot so they kept it and took care of it, at the base he flew out of.

    Dad couldn’t take the bear home after the war so he got permission to give it to a zoo in Europe.

    Don’t know why anybody wouldn’t try to contact a zoo first instead of deciding to kill the furry little critters.

  3. Pisses me off. I don’t care for some of the comments here. They are like puppies. Your dog had too many puppies; we’ll have to kill a couple of them? Shoot them right between the eyes. How’s that sound?

    Happy ending:

    “According to News Max, members of the Port Hardy Fire Department gave Casavant a hand at rescuing the cubs. The fire department’s high-angle rescue specialist climbed the tree to retrieve the bear cubs and Casavant tranquilized them “by hand” to get them set up to transport. When they arrived at the Wildlife Recovery, a vet gave them a good bill of health.”

    I hope the guy gets his job back.

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