Officer Wins Gunfight After Being Shot – IOTW Report

Officer Wins Gunfight After Being Shot

BlueLivesMatter: Leland, NC – On December 9th, 2016, Leland Police Officer Jacob Schwenk was suddenly shot 6 times by a DUI suspect. You can see in the video (below) that the hero never gave up, and he was able to take the shooter out.

Just before 9 PM on December 9th, Brunswick County law enforcement received multiple calls about a suspected drunk driver on Bridgeport Way in Leland’s Windsor Park community. The vehicle struck some bushes and almost hit mailboxes, according to WECT 6.

“When you’re pulling somebody over, you really don’t know what their head space is or what their involvement in other crimes might be,” District Attorney Jon David said. “There was nothing about showing up on a DWI call which would have led a reasonable officer to conclude that his life was in danger.  Continued with VIDEO 

10 Comments on Officer Wins Gunfight After Being Shot

  1. I thought maybe this was one video of a cop getting shot that I could watch since he won the fight. I was wrong.

    Take his family out too for all I care. Good riddance dirt bag.

  2. Someone posted this here a while ago. I still listen to it. A ways into this video they show families and kids in quick shots, a little boy walking down the steps in his house is one of them and I always think of how my kids or grandkids would feel if I didn’t come home from work. My appreciation to all those that serve.

  3. Our academy defensive tactics instructor was an amazing man and besides all the tactics he taught us police larvae, the thing that he drilled into us constantly was “NEVER give up no matter what”. That officer definitely had that mindset. Thank God.

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