Offshore Wind Power Will ‘Absolutely Cost Jobs’ Of US Fishermen – IOTW Report

Offshore Wind Power Will ‘Absolutely Cost Jobs’ Of US Fishermen


The fishing industry is worried the first offshore wind farm to come online in the U.S. will ruin their way of life and kill jobs.

An offshore wind turbine three miles off the coast of Block Island, Rhode Island, will kill large numbers of fish and potentially drive hundreds of small coastal enterprises out of business, according to a fishing industry representative.

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11 Comments on Offshore Wind Power Will ‘Absolutely Cost Jobs’ Of US Fishermen

  1. Sound or Vibration is essential for most sea dwellers. The Sea is a big boy and can take care of its self, however adding a constant Vibration could create problems we’ll never fully understand.

  2. The only thing that matters is that lefties will buy those little tiny cans of fish innards as long as the label says they’re organic, not genetically modified, sustainable, and all things greeny. No lefty, in good standing, will question the claim the little can weighs 800 pounds.

  3. Bull*$#&%(#&$, this is an attempt by someone to prevent a wind turbine being set up in their neighborhood! This is what happened on Cape Cod when they tried to put up a turbine outside of Hyannisport. Sen. Kennedy fought to prevent it from being set up. Don’t by it folks, they are trying to screw you!

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