dont want to say that in a hospital or nursing home either.
Nice to see that my little darlin’ got all the hardware successfully removed from her expressive little face (and the blue and purple washed out of her hair too).
I thought this was gonna be the interview with Uncle Al…
Guess not
And congrats on the new gig Jerry. Hope it goes well for ya.
Could be a lead in for a Poopourri commercial unless the cops are really looking for Nancy POSlosi.
“Was that the burrito you had for lunch or a toxic waste spill?”
Poor guy was just trying to launch a submarine.
That reminds of the incident when the police were called to the park to check on a report of someone killing a bag of cats. Turns out it was a guy playing bog pipes.
The good old days, when toilet humor didn’t involve men in dresses and wide stances.
“here I sit, gruntin’ and strainin’, tryin’ to create another Iranian…”
dont want to say that in a hospital or nursing home either.
Nice to see that my little darlin’ got all the hardware successfully removed from her expressive little face (and the blue and purple washed out of her hair too).
I thought this was gonna be the interview with Uncle Al…
Guess not
And congrats on the new gig Jerry. Hope it goes well for ya.
Could be a lead in for a Poopourri commercial unless the cops are really looking for Nancy POSlosi.
“Was that the burrito you had for lunch or a toxic waste spill?”
Poor guy was just trying to launch a submarine.
That reminds of the incident when the police were called to the park to check on a report of someone killing a bag of cats. Turns out it was a guy playing bog pipes.
The good old days, when toilet humor didn’t involve men in dresses and wide stances.
“here I sit, gruntin’ and strainin’, tryin’ to create another Iranian…”