Oh, Dear… – IOTW Report

Oh, Dear…

h/t Doc.

18 Comments on Oh, Dear…

  1. Seems like everyone wants to be the “Illustrated Man” these days. Including the women. I have lots of younger acquaintances from the gym. All full of ink. It makes me sick. I bite my tongue because 99% are Trump supporters. I guess I’m officially an old fogey. And I’m fine with that.

  2. Can’t stand “ink” on women.
    Men,who gives a fat rat’s azz,I ain’t
    sleepin’ with them…
    The circus is gone forever.B&B R.BRO.
    died about 3 years ago ??? sad sad sad.
    “For the times they are a changin.'”
    The freak show that is the collective
    is alive and growing every day

  3. “The freak show that is the collective
    is alive and growing every day”

    Hard core conservative young people are all inked. (Except my two boys). I don’t get it. But like I say, I’m biting my tongue. In the long run, it’s going to be their country. They’re all 2A supporters. Good thing, they’re going to need it.

  4. I have fun asking young millenial males if they would have sex with Bruce Jenner… I always do it in a group of people. A few have gotten angry when forced to struggle with SJW indoctrination or being laughed at as a homo.

  5. Only Southerners used to recognize freaks … now nobody does.

    “Defining Deviancy Down” as D. P. Moynihan put it.

    “If there is no God, then everything is permitted …” and thus we abuse our bodies, kill our children, and lie to each other about the more innocuous things.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Ah YES!

    “There’s nothing so feminine as a woman with tattoos and a ‘gag’ hanging out of the corner of her mouth. Unless of course you add some fresh stitches in her forehead.”

    So how many of you even know what a “gag” is? Forties through sixties terminology made the language of our country far superior to anything our hipster friends have ever come up with and please don’t even go to the ebonics BS. (Although some of the terms were stolen from the blacks…)

  7. ZONGA
    Wrong! Tats are only expensive if you fly to NY NY and pay a big name artist $6G for your tat. If you go to a shop in W Hollywood you can get one for less than half the price of a carton of cigs! The tats I saw in OR this week look like the $40 ones.

    I have none but I have many friends and relatives with tats.

  8. @Jarhead I actually had someone say to me “If you was in the military how come you don’t got no tattoos?” I simply replied “I didn’t have the time to get tattoos, I was too busy getting laid while on liberty!” That seemed to satisfy his curiosity.


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