Oh dear… Some interesting things have been uncovered about Montana Dem hopeful Rob Quist – IOTW Report

Oh dear… Some interesting things have been uncovered about Montana Dem hopeful Rob Quist

You guys should really keep your popcorn popper on 24/7.


WFB: A medical malpractice lawsuit filed over two decades ago by Montana Democrat Rob Quist invited scrutiny from the doctor’s attorney, who uncovered a history of preexisting conditions and drug use and cast doubt that Quist could have made it in the music industry, according to Flathead County District Court filings obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

At issue in the October 1994 lawsuit filed by Quist, who is currently running for Congress, was a gallbladder operation that Quist used as recently as March to excuse more than $27,000 in debts and property taxes that were not paid off until this year. Quist and his wife sought damage relief not only for his medical expenses and lost wages during treatment but also for derailing his music career, which he now says was “getting ready to pop” at the time.

Quist’s campaign stated its intention on Monday to make the operation a theme of his congressional run before the May 25 special election to replace secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke. Court documents and other records, however, call into question Quist’s version of events. The Quist campaign had not returned multiple requests for comment by press time.

The doctor, a surgeon named Dr. Roch Boyer who is still working in Montana, denied all allegations of wrongdoing put forth by Quist, stating that he acted appropriately during the procedure. He also set out to learn more about Quist, who claimed that the doctor’s actions resulted in a deterioration of his health, career, and relationship with his family.

Among the findings were that Quist entered the procedure with a preexisting genital herpes condition…   MORE HERE

20 Comments on Oh dear… Some interesting things have been uncovered about Montana Dem hopeful Rob Quist

  1. This dude is a train wreck!!

    But then again that’s true of ANY Democrat Party politician

  2. …”But then again that’s true of ANY Democrat Party politician”…
    And damned near all of the GOP as well, lying liars that lie. The entire nine yards is pretty much a cesspool, or is that swamp?

    Should you wish to excoriate my opinion, please at least remove the rose colored glasses and look at all the promises both sides have made and left unfulfilled.

  3. Politics has become an afternoon TV reality show where retarded, triple-chromosomed ugly shitstains mud wrestle equally retarded Republicans (Retardicans) to see who gets to be Soros’ mafia underboss.

    Quist just got smeared and martyred with his own, private medical records. The fact he is a gun grabber (a Fudd) in Montana of all places just got nuked by our own side.

    TB positive, weed use (he’s a musician, at least it’s not heroin) and herpelie erpelies, none of which are material in the suit that followed an allegedly botched gallbladder surgery. The good doctor’s attorney doxed Quist’s private medical records to the public in retaliation. That’s a shitstain move. Not only that, the Dr. Boyer’s lawyer tried to release his marriage counseling records. Shitstain again.

    The title of the article is: “As Quist Breaks Out, Decades Old Lawsuit Sheds Light on Montana Democrat’s Marriage and Career.” The Washington Free Beacon made a herpes joke, taking the high ground after digging up the dirt.

    Isn’t it enough that Quist is a commie gun-confiscator?

    Washington, D.C.; home of the United States Constitution and a running, open sewer where Retardican political strategists snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

    Hello President Hank Johnson 2020.

  4. I live in East San Francisco East, MT, the State’s capital. As you might guess, ESFE is populated by a large, very vocal number of asinine, perpetually aggrieved, virtue signaling, politically correct libtwits who, most of the time, vote to kill off what’s left of the old MT. If the number of Quist signs visible from our streets are any indication, Quist will carry ESFE.

  5. Now that is a funny story, in the context of his campaign and also the dumbo lawyer who put all that in the record rather than obtaining an order sealing the scandolous portions from public viewing.

  6. Family left Helena in 50s when younger brother not yet in school. 30 years later younger brother, wearing a suit, walks into cowboy bar in Butte, Mt. One of the locals was offended by violation of cowboy bar dress code. Takes it upon himself to administer justice. But another cowboy’s fist went warp speed into first cowboy’s face. Intended victim and savior exchanged howdy doos. Turns out savior lived next door, 30 years before, in Helena.

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