oh geez, American Women’s History Museum in DC? – IOTW Report

oh geez, American Women’s History Museum in DC?

I can only imagine what is going to be inside those four walls.


No doubt many of the exhibits, such as those featuring women in sports and women in business, may be non-controversial. The main issue is how topics such as abortion, the so-called wage gap, and other “women’s issues” will be treated. A review of the online versionof the proposed museum is not encouraging.

Gloria Steinem (Photo: Joe Schildhorn /BFAnyc/Sipa USA/Newscom)

I’d rather bang a bike-riding fish than Gloria Steinem


There are multiple mentions of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and gender equality champion Bella Abzug. But Phyllis Schlafly, whose efforts are widely credited with defeating the Equal Rights Amendment? One mention. Or Beverly LaHaye, whose organization Concerned Women for America, a counter to the National Organization for Women, has been one of the leading voices and organizations representing American women since the 1980s? No mention.



When left-wing women were fighting for a voice, shouting down the “unfair, hateful right,” did not one of the ugly hairy armpit crusaders vow that if they ever achieved power they would never be like their oppressors?

Haha. I amuse myself.


18 Comments on oh geez, American Women’s History Museum in DC?

  1. I don’t suppose there will be a wing devoted to women who will make me a sammich and get me a beer while I watch the game, so I’ll pass.

  2. I didn’t have a strong opinion about bra-burning when it was happening, but now it makes me very angry. In the intervening years I’ve had to have two mastectomies. How I WISH I could wear a normal, pretty, lacy, sexy bra again. Instead, it’s silicon prostheses with an ugly, utilitarian, boring-assed, totally unsexy mastectomy bra.

    Friggin’ ingrates. If I could time-travel back to 1969, I’d slap every last one of them.

  3. Wyatt, I just adore insensitive progressive jerks. Please drop by if you are ever in Yonkers and I’ll make you an excellent sandwich and serve you a nice cold one.

    Unfortunately, I have no TV so you won’t be able to watch the game. We can listen to it on the radio.

  4. Ol Gloria, Jane, Margret, et als are unique with respect to how they’re currently viewed, some think they’re heroes. They’ve collectively caused or contributed to more death and misery than Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot and Ho Chi Minh combined via abortion, contraception and broken families. But much like the aforementioned low-life leftist dictators, at one time they were very highly regarded by fellow travelers and useful idiots. I guess it’s really all about political ideology, if you’re a Collectivist-minded killer, you get a pass from the doctrinaire and political/academic elite. What a bunch of delusional fools.

  5. I wonder if it will have Undeniable Truth of Life #24 posted over the doorway?

    24. Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society.

  6. Our taxpayer dollars at work.

    This mid-term election is probably the most important of our lifetimes.

    Retain the House and gain the Senate — with true Conservatives. It’s the only chance we have to stop this frivilous spending.

  7. I’d like to see the wing for all the little potential feminists who were never born because they were aborted.

    No wing? Perhaps a display case, then. Not that either?

    Guess we’ll have to settle for a permanently blank section on the “Donors’ Wall”.

  8. One of the most heart wrenching experiences of my life was talking to an woman in a nursing home who had an abortion in her youth. Her husband was dead, they had agreed not to have any children. She was in mourning in a way that I can not adequately put into words. These hags like Steinham talk about careers and life opportunities as if nothing else matters. I wish that they would just shut the hell up and go away. They’re causing such misery under the pretext of freedom.

  9. Yeah, women won the sex wars of the 70s. Thus

    the divorce rate changed from 2% to 50%

    the single parent (mostly moms) produced a doubling of juvenile criminals.

    White heterosexual Christian males became undesirables.


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