
John Kasich desperately wants to be vice president.

That’s the only possible rationale for his quixotic, ridiculous campaign. Kasich had to prove one thing and one thing only: he could win Ohio. He’s run his entire campaign to win Ohio. He’s done decently in New Hampshire and Vermont, but fallen apart everywhere else. Even after his Ohio win last night, he had less delegates than the man who dropped out, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL). He’s spent almost no debate time attacking the frontrunner for the nomination, Donald Trump; instead, he keeps making the obvious and rather silly argument that he’ll win Republicans Ohio. Last night, as he made his incoherent, wild victory speech, the screen behind him read, “As Ohio Goes, So Goes The Nation.”

Yes, John, we get it.

But just to drive home the point, Kasich will now stay in the race to prevent Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) from winning the nomination or denying Trump the nomination. Kasich is disqualified from winning the nomination. He would have to win more delegates than technically exist. He rebuts this unrebuttable contention by stating, “Math doesn’t tell the whole story in politics.” But when it comes to delegate counts, it does.

So why is Kasich still in this thing? Because Kasich knows


27 Comments on OH GOD NO JOHN KASICH WON’T GO AWAY. Here’s Why.

  1. All of the Republican old ladies I know in Florida voted for him. They hate Cruz because he’s too religious and everybody in DC hates him. They hate Trump because he said “pussy” on TV, talked about his penis on TV and because they think he is a racist, a loose cannon, a laughing stock, an embarrassment around the world.

  2. Trump won Florida with the same vote percentage as Kasich in Ohio. Kasich, however, is a beloved 2 time governor who won his re-election by 71% and served as Congressman for 18 years.

    I guess that makes Trump “beloved”, too.

  3. Run Kasich, run.
    The longer he stays out of Ohio the better off Ohio becomes.

    He thinks carrying Ohio gives him enough delegates to swing the VP spot on the ticket, become a player in the convention or a cushy federal job in a major agency.

    Typical political hack.

  4. RNC is paying him to stay in so theres a brokered convention. If there is and they pick someone other than Trump (if still leading) then if I was Trump Id sue to get my campaign money back!!! Plus damages!!!

  5. The only thing Is such has going for him governing wise is that he and the Ohio Congress a few years back pretty much broke the back of teacher’s unions. I honestly can’t think of anything else.

  6. Pageoturner, Kasich is far from beloved. He won his last election by a landslide because the Dem choice was so horrible, the DNC pulled ad dollars in the weeks before the election — especially after their man was caught at night in a parked car with his pants down, with a woman who was not his wife. Kasich didn’t win because he’s so beloved, rather he won because basically there was nobody else for whom to vote. Additionally, ask ALL 88 COUNTIES in Ohio that voted for “Healthcare Freedom” (I.e., AGAINST the expansion of Obamacare) how they feel about basically having Obamacare shoved down their throats anyway by Kasich via the Medicaid expansion. To be clear, Kasich had to go around the Ohio legislature and pull some very dirty maneuvers to expand Medicaid against Ohioans wishes. He is a dirty, nasty sneak. Also, ask parents in Ohio how they feel about having Common Core shoved down their throats by Kasich. He is a big government progressive who cares not one whit about the people of Ohio.

    And the only reason Kasich won Ohio on Tuesday is because of an orchestrated effort between the Repub establishment and Dems to get Democratic voters to cross over and vote Kasich. Both groups are scared sh*tless of Trump, so…strange bedfellows.

  7. “…Kasich will now stay in the race to prevent Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) from winning the nomination or denying Trump the nomination.”

    More delusional BS from
    “I’m going Full Glenn Beck Meltdown” Shapiro.

    If anything, Kasich is staying in to siphon off delegates to the last minute (so far 143) , then, with the delegates of Rubio (last count 169), shuffle the 300+ delegates off to Cruz to be the spoiler, in a desperate attempt to “stop Trump.”

    The Good News: I still have strong suspicions that Trump will get his 1,237, so that will be a non-starter.

  8. Sean Hannity last night questioned RNC head Priebus about a contested/brokered convention. Hope everyone saw it. When after about the third time Hannity tried to get Priebus to come clean about the shenanigans being pulled by the GOPe, he finally couldn’t take it anymore and cut Priebus off. I’ve heard Hannity talk over his interviewees before, but I’ve never seen him so disgusted he cut them off, and it was abrupt.

    Priebus trying to convince Sean that Kasich has a right to do whatever he wants is the phoniest balogniest thing I’ve heard all day:


    Carefully note that Priebus assumes someone is “walking away” AFTER the RNC makes it clear to EVERYONE that they haven’t played any games.

    I hate political party machines. They do not care about Americans or America.

  9. Oh, and this was the part that made some headlines: Hannity finished by telling Priebus that if the RNC tries to anoint someone other than the obvious front runner (either Cruz or Trump), he and most of the Republican base will “take a walk.”

  10. Exactly what Tired Mom said. In the Fall we’ll vote Rob Sell Out Portman because Ted Strickland is too horrible to contemplate not because we think he is a great conservative with our interests in mind.

    Sit down John, sit down John. For God’s sake please sit down.

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