Oh La La! Mildew is wrecking Bordeaux wines – IOTW Report

Oh La La! Mildew is wrecking Bordeaux wines

Telegraph UK:

Bordeaux wines ravaged by fungal disease.

Mildew is ravaging Bordeaux’s vineyards, with harvests expected to fall by up to 70 per cent in the latest of a series of natural disasters in France’s largest wine-growing region.

Few producers have been spared from the outbreak of the fungal disease which they say has been caused by heavy rainfall in the spring. Most expect to lose between 20 and 70 per cent of their crop to mildew.

Bordeaux winemakers also suffered big losses last year with their worst harvest since 1945, caused by severe frost that cut production by 40 per cent.

Mathieu Verdier of Château Bessan said: “With the rain that came after winter, I knew it was going to be a really difficult year. Now we’re seeing mildew appearing on many of the vines. I estimate that my production will fall by about half.” more

17 Comments on Oh La La! Mildew is wrecking Bordeaux wines

  1. The french vineyards were wiped out by disease or fungus many years ago, only to be rescued by imported vines from……

    Making French wine drinkable again.
    (Wrong thread?)

  2. “The french vineyards were wiped out by disease or fungus many years ago, only to be rescued by imported vines from……

    Very true. And the root stock we sent them was from France originally. Closed the circle so to speak.

  3. Lowell JULY 30, 2018 AT 7:53 PM
    “The french vineyards were wiped out by disease or fungus many years ago, only to be rescued by imported vines from……

    Very true. And the root stock we sent them was from France originally. Closed the circle so to speak.

    Seems to Me Lowell knows a little too much about this…

    He’s one of them !!! Get Him !!!!

    On a serious note…How’s Your Health Lowell?

  4. Who cares, if you don’t drink French wine OR BEER that is.

    @ MJA – do a poll like the mayo one, beer drinkers vs vino drinkers vs liquor drinkers.

  5. So buy 2010 & 2015. It will repeat. But best wait and just buy heavy next year. Because so many IOTWReport people are buying wine futures? I am just buying the wine, when right.

  6. Some of the best wine in the world comes from Paso Robles in central California. France did a good job for many years but the educated hippies applied science to wine making and have almost perfected it.

  7. From Bcattin: “On a serious note…How’s Your Health Lowell?”

    Not bad, still adjusting from the hernia repair but that’s to be expected. Thank you for asking.


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