Oh no!!!! Five cents? Five whole cents?!!! – IOTW Report

Oh no!!!! Five cents? Five whole cents?!!!


PATRIOT RETORT: Yup. You read that right. In an effort to cast aspersions on President Trump using tariffs against Mexico to curtail illegal immigration, CNN Business reported yesterday that these tariffs would force Chipotle to raise the price of burritos by five cents.

I know!

Five whole cents!

Why, we can’t be forced to pay five cents more for a burrito! That’s, well, that’s just like Hitler!!!

I mean, sure.  Illegal immigration cost this country $116 Billion in 2017.

But come on!  That’s nothing.  Big whoop!

Don’t you realize that by forcing Mexico to stop the population of Central America from trudging across its soil to enter our country illegally might cost you five cents more for a burrito at Chipotle?!

We can’t stand for that!

President Trump must be some kind of dictator-authoritarian-just like Hitler monster for making us pay five cents more for a burrito just so we can save a measly one hundred and sixteen billion dollars a year! MORE

19 Comments on Oh no!!!! Five cents? Five whole cents?!!!

  1. Hey, that nickle is like, what, 1.5% of my morning Starbucks? Can’t stand for that [said in the most condescending tone imaginable]

    Desperate times call for desperate actions so in that vane i’m willing to allow my President to try anything, even out of the box thinking. But i’m dubious that this will have the desired effect.

  2. I do not frequent Chipotle. Just referring to other restaurants.

    Ted N. – It is one dollar per year until the goal is reached. It has changed my spending habits.

  3. How the hell does Chipotle sell ANYTHING is the 64 dollar question.

    I wouldn’t give that shit to my chickens. They’d all turn green and die from ingesting that swarf.

  4. Dear PDT: I will pay extra at my favorite restaurants (does not include Chitpotle) for our war against the world, vis a vis, invading through Mexico

  5. The tariff threat should have been immediately high. So high that products coming in from Mexico would have become over-priced and not affordable, even by the rich who also don’t like to pay more than necessary. What is the threat to Mexico is having US owned production facilities leave Mexico, not the tariffs themselves. Lost employment. Lost taxes. Lost political bribes. Tariffs are not border crosser stoppers. Tariffs are only a distraction issue bait. It is not installing a military enforced border protection, which needs to be done immediately. The thousands of aliens pouring in are NOT being stopped while the political play goes on. The Communist agenda will just keep on rolling, because they have the political powers of control.


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