Oh no they didn’t! #12629 – IOTW Report

Oh no they didn’t! #12629


Via Moonbattery

14 Comments on Oh no they didn’t! #12629

  1. I really with a pro-life group had stolen their tag line and sent out a photo after photo of an aborted baby with the caption “Planned Parenthood wishes you a happy Mother’s Day!”

    Or better yet, “This baby will never get a chance to wish her mother a happy Mother’s Day. Thanks, Planned Parenthood!”

  2. The murdered infants cry out for peace.

    But only God hears their cries.

    Denied the peace of the grave, they are disposed in a dumpster.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Why the KKK doesn’t make regular donations to them is a mystery to me.

    At least say they appreciate Planned Parenthood is doing their work for them.


  4. How many children are not in this picture because of Planned Parenthood?

    There are a lot of women who are not celebrating mothers day now because of their murderous agenda.

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