Oh, Sh!t 🤣 – IOTW Report

Oh, Sh!t 🤣

During a media briefing Tuesday (11/22), Arizona’s Family Political Editor Dennis Welch asked AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich what the AG’s COVID-19 vaccination status was. Here’s his unedited response.

21 Comments on Oh, Sh!t 🤣

  1. The press are fascist assholes who deserve hatred and scorn at every turn. BTW, COVID-19 isn’t even close to being as dangerous as AIDS was, and none of this shit happened during the AIDS era, because too many people in charge were butt-fuckers themselves.

  2. This should be sent out to everyone as a PSA instructional video on how to clown the drive-bys. Start out like this and if you get good enough you can work your way up to Desantis level fire and brimstone.


  3. Anyone asking for personal health information about the jab should immediately be asked if they have or ever been treated for an STD loudly.

    Kudos for this man standing up to the clowns. HIPPA disclosure should not be a whenever it is convenient to ask moment…it is the law.

  4. Heck Yeah! He’s awesome. The left got torched by this AG. He discovered the leftist media/press has a hypocritical slimy, soft underbelly – easily exposed.
    If they don’t like a question someone ask them it is somehow “inappropriate”. Nope. That makes it the perfect question. LOL!

  5. Ain’t that cool. I watched a video of him with some numchucks on some rooftop. That was cool too. You know what’s not cool? This asshole hasn’t perp walked one single son of a bitch in AZ. Your being played. He’s a una party bitch. And he will run out the clock and not do shit.


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