Oh Yeah? You And What (Rented) Army? – IOTW Report

Oh Yeah? You And What (Rented) Army?

Rent An Army: How Much Does It Actually Cost?

8 Comments on Oh Yeah? You And What (Rented) Army?

  1. …if you’ve never seen the 1980 Christopher Walken movie. “The Dogs Of War”, its an interesting take on mercenaries and what they actually do.

    One quote I remember is this:

    “Remember; you have to make it home to get paid”

    …don’t know how accurate this is but it seems a practicality of the rented soldier is that he is motivated by only money, and so isn’t too keen on dying for “the cause”.

    there’s another quote though that counterbalanced this one.

    “Col. Bobi: [of his troops] They’ll die for Zangaro!
    Shannon: Be more help to me if they fight.”

    …a professional soldier may not be all in for patriotism, but at least he’s a pro. Enthusiastic but poorly trained young men may be determined, but that alone only makes them cannon fodder.

    But don’t discount cannon fodder either. An effective North Korean tactic was to send men rushing a machine gun until it failed from heat or ran out of ammunition. Cannon fodder works if you have enough.

    So on balance, enthusiasm is more economical but less efficient than mercenaries. And an army is only one part, you can lose on logistics too.

    But it ultimately does not matter. Structuraly ALL goverments are doomed to fail, sooner or later. This is one of the best explanations as to “Why” I’ve seen, enjoy…


  2. …and as far as using armies that are not your own to do your dirty work, there’s better ways to do it than renting.

    Q. What was the Saudi Arabian marching song during Desert Sheild/Desert Storm/Iraqi Freedom?

    A. “Onward Christian Soldiers”

  3. “are you telling me that their German scientists are better than our German scientists?” ~ vice president Lyndon Johnson (the second worst VP ever) in ‘The Right Stuff’

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