Oh, You Don’t Believe The Other Excuses? Well Then How About This One… – IOTW Report

Oh, You Don’t Believe The Other Excuses? Well Then How About This One…

Biden DRUGGED? “Conspiracy Theories” Explain BAD DEBATE.

16 Comments on Oh, You Don’t Believe The Other Excuses? Well Then How About This One…

  1. Biden should prove once and for all how capable he is – by responding to Trump’s recent challenge, face to face in front of an audience. That’ll show us!

  2. It would be nice to see the whole SEWER collapse. But who would be left?
    Most of Congress – Gone.
    Most of MSM – Gone.
    Most of Hollywood – Gone.
    By the end of day one, Trump would loose his voice saying, “YOUR FIRED”.

  3. I could never be a CNN “reporter” because I couldn’t report this nonsense with a straight face. Russia, Russia, Russia – is Hillary coordinating Biden’s campaign? If Russia has a MX 3000 mind ray at its disposal, why don’t they use it in Ukraine?

    But then again, maybe Russia does have a MX 3000 mind ray and is also using it on our nation’s progressives. But that would be hard to tell – if you pointed the mind ray at AOC, would her insane ramblings be worse, better or just the same? Does a Russian mind ray explain Maxine Waters, and if so, Russian must have had this weapon for decades. Liberal women making Tik Toks where they scream and put on make-up at the same time – obviously a Russian mind ray.

    Maybe the Russians are using their mind ray on the entire American populace; that would explain Congress. Come to think of it, I’m now completely on board with this particularly conspiracy.

  4. Is it a ray, a Roy or a bob? Maybe a Billy ray? Or not. Is it a drug or a cocktail of drugs? Or is it a lack of drugs or cocktail of drugs? Gosh, the pointless mentally masturbatory questions just keep looping through my mind. More, and far, far, more, importantly, I need to feed the dogs, so, ta ta for now!


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