Ohio: 3 Accused Toledo Council Members Temporarily Stepping Down – IOTW Report

Ohio: 3 Accused Toledo Council Members Temporarily Stepping Down

Three of the four Toledo City Council members accused of taking part in a bribery and extortion scheme have agreed to temporary suspensions.

h/t Brown Eyed Girl.

3 Comments on Ohio: 3 Accused Toledo Council Members Temporarily Stepping Down

  1. …yeah, corrupt brownish Democrat councilfolk are something of an Ohio tradition…come to SW Ohio, due South of Toledo on I-75, and I can show you THIS…

    “CINCINNATI (FOX19) – Accused of selling her vote for money, former Cincinnati City Councilwoman Tamaya Dennard formally entered a guilty plea on a charge of wire fraud in federal court Monday.

    Dennard, 40, sat quietly and read along with the plea agreement, responding “Yes ma’am” and “No ma’am” as she was questioned by the judge.

    “She sought to deprive the citizens of Cincinnati of their rights to honest services by an elected official in order to enrich herself through corruption,” David M. DeVillers, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio, said.”


    …and THIS…

    “I have 150 firefighters who will do anything I ask them to do,” Ms. Reece said, according to John Fox, editor of CityBeat, which published a Kathy Wilson column critical of the vice mayor. “If you won’t convince Kathy Wilson, then I’ll send firefighters to convince her.” And I think this means “convince” in the sense of “threaten.” In the sense of “shut her up.” In the sense of “or else.”

    …and THIS (adding gays to the mix)…

    “CINCINNATI — Five Cincinnati City Council members have admitted breaking the law and the city has agreed to pay $101,000 to settle a lawsuit against them in the “Gang of Five” text messaging scandal.

    The five Democrats – P.G. Sittenfeld, Greg Landsman, Tamaya Dennard, Chris Seelbach and Wendell Young – admit violating Ohio’s Open Meeting Act by conducting public business in private text messages and emails with each other. Furthermore, Young admits deleting text messages from his cell phone in violation of Judge Robert Ruehlman’s order.”

    …and even a first-ring suburb that lost it’s entire Police force to corrupt hiring practices and Affirmative Action lunacy, so all I can say to Toledo is, try HARDER, you’ll get there…

  2. “Are you under the impression, Albert, that the Home Folk’s Party is governing as trustees of the people until such time as we come of age and can govern ourselves?” ~Col. W.C. Effingham, U.S. Army, Retired


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