Ohio Dem Candidate for Governor Richard Cordray rebukes Republican candidate for skipping Hamas-linked CAIR event – IOTW Report

Ohio Dem Candidate for Governor Richard Cordray rebukes Republican candidate for skipping Hamas-linked CAIR event

Jihad Watch///

The Left’s normalizing of the Council on American-Islamic Relations is a principal sign of the myopia and short-sightedness of our age. And the Right is just as culpable, by never making this an issue. Cordray is rebuking DeWine for not showing up; DeWine should be rebuking Cordray for showing up. Cordray’s appearance at this CAIR event should be an issue, a scandal, an outrage. But DeWine almost certainly will not do this. And why not?  read more

5 Comments on Ohio Dem Candidate for Governor Richard Cordray rebukes Republican candidate for skipping Hamas-linked CAIR event

  1. Spencer is right to say that silence is not acceptable in the face of this terrorist who want to subjugate and destroy the American way of life.

    DeWine needs to proudly proclaim why he didn’t go and why the other idjut should be condemned for going.

    So much for the stealthiness methods of the Religion of Peace.

  2. Meanwhile in Florida, Desantis won against Putnam, thanks to President Trump endorsement.
    Antsy Gillum, our totally unqualified socialist black mayor of Tallahassee beat out Daddy Bob Graham’s daughter. Gwen was born into the job and entitled to it, according to her. The rich liberal Jews Levine and Greene were the spoilers.
    I really like Desantis, but am afraid the Bernie Sanders socialists and bleeding heart liberals will have the Obama effect trying to make history by voting for the black guy.
    Of course, with a republican legislature, Andy couldn’t get much done.


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