Ohio Democrat Legislator Endorses Trump, Thanks Him For ‘Ensuring The Success Of The Black Community’ – IOTW Report

Ohio Democrat Legislator Endorses Trump, Thanks Him For ‘Ensuring The Success Of The Black Community’

Daily Caller: Democratic Ohio state Rep. Bernadine Kennedy Kent endorsed President Donald Trump on Tuesday for president and then greeted him aboard Air Force One before the first presidential debate.

Kennedy Kent praised Trump for low black unemployment rates and for his support of historically black colleges, in a statement earlier in the day. Then Kennedy Kent and her husband went on Air Force One to meet Trump in Cleveland before the debate against Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

“We all recognize that gainful employment and economic development is the best deterrent against violence and social unrest, so I want to thank President Trump for his commitment to ensuring the success of the Black community in every way,” Kennedy Kent said in a press release. more here

11 Comments on Ohio Democrat Legislator Endorses Trump, Thanks Him For ‘Ensuring The Success Of The Black Community’

  1. …ohio 25th, from up around Franklin County, centering around Columbus. Even though it includes the ultra-liberal, Somali-filled State Capitol, it also has some upstate ruralism there.

    I would have been shocked if she’d have been from down my way in SW OH, with the Peoples Repulic of Cincinnati on one end and West Chester, home of the Weeping RINO Boehner himself on the other. Here, our state reps get more traction by threatening to beat up reporters.

    I know for a FACT that MY corner of Ohio is gone. They did too good a job incubating poverty in the projects, then unleashing it everywhere the busses went with Section 8, along with illegal African and Hondurian imports in key areas. Its like Cleveland, but with a smaller polluted body of water in front of it.

    But she gives me hope that the whole STATE may not be gone…

  2. And now we see why the obnoxious press is running at a hysterical warp speed on Trump the racist. Blacks endorsing Trump, BET founder saying stay with devil you know, and a Telemundo poll with 66% believing Trump won the debate. Their reliable 90% isn’t looking good this year.

  3. She was kicked out of the black dem caucus in 2018.
    They hate her I bet because she called them on their bull shit, no one talks to her on the dem side. Must be a racist, she will fit right in with us.


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