Ohio Gov Signs Self-Defense Rights Bill into Law, Scrapping ‘Duty to Retreat’ – IOTW Report

Ohio Gov Signs Self-Defense Rights Bill into Law, Scrapping ‘Duty to Retreat’

Neon Nettle: Ohio’s Republican governor has signed a new bill into law to boost citizens’ self-defense rights by scrapping their “duty to retreat.”

Gov. Mike DeWine (R) signed the “Stand Your Ground” legislation into state law on Monday.

The bill DeWine signed, Senate Bill 175, is designed to remove Ohioans’ “duty to retreat” while defending themselves.

Previously, the law required people to retreat before they can justifiably hurt or kill someone in self-defense or in a situation where they fear their lives are endangered. more

5 Comments on Ohio Gov Signs Self-Defense Rights Bill into Law, Scrapping ‘Duty to Retreat’

  1. His veto would have easily overridden and he knew it. He is simply trying to curry favor with the people he has treated like subjects. Re-election bid and all that. Most of held our noses when we voted for this little sh*t weasel.


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