Ohio Guidelines For High School Wrestlers: No Masks Required But Don’t Shake Hands – IOTW Report

Ohio Guidelines For High School Wrestlers: No Masks Required But Don’t Shake Hands

Daily Wire: New coronavirus guidelines for high school wrestlers in Ohio have some seemingly contradictory ideas, such as permitting the wrestlers to compete unmasked but forbidding them from shaking hands afterward and requiring them to wear masks off the mat when not actively competing or warming up.

According to the Ohio High School Athletic Association, the guidelines state under “General Requirements”:

No congregating before or after practices or contests is permitted. Coaches must wear face coverings at all times, including arriving and departing the facility and during active play. Eliminate handshakes pre- and post-match. Eliminate handshakes with coaches’ post-match.

Under “Requirements for Wrestlers,” the guidelines state:

Wear facial coverings off the mat when not actively competing or warming-up. Do not share equipment, towels, facial coverings, water bottles, other drinks or food. If equipment must be shared, proper sanitation must be performed between users. All wrestlers must sanitize their hands before and after warm-ups, at all timeouts, at period breaks and anytime they leave the playing competition or practice mat. All those on the team bench shall observe social distancing of 6 feet.

Under “Requirements for Officials,” the guidelines state:

13 Comments on Ohio Guidelines For High School Wrestlers: No Masks Required But Don’t Shake Hands

  1. Well, can you tight waist, ankle pick, Iranian, LatcDrop, Cross Face, grape vine, stack, Wizar? I guess so. Just don’t shake hands. Are they washing the mat down after every match? If they’re serious they should be.

  2. TommyBoy in IN
    DECEMBER 15, 2020 AT 12:51 AM
    “Stupid. Then again, it’s Ohio.”

    …I won’t disagree, we have a LONG history of having RINO governors who govern as Democrats to appease the NW Detroit serving corridor of Big Labor and the very liberal cities of Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Youngstown, and now Cincinnati, so we can’t really get an actual Republican here, just abortions like DeWine and the Obama sniffing former speaker Boehner.

    …but we are looking for a house and have looked into SE IN as far as Rising Sun and Sunman, but you should HEAR the crap I get from people, some of who believe that ALL of Indiana was built on a landfill, and others that think White Supremacists (of which I DID see a 40ish gal in a Klan robe getting into her car once) have taken over Lawrenceburg and Greendale…

  3. What about football? Every play there’s at least a dozen players shoving their faces into each other and grunting exhaling into each others faces. And they’ll.do this 70 times in three hours
    And nobody ever gets seriously

    Then they trot to the sideline and everybody puts on a mask!! And nobody is allowed to remark about how pathologically stupid it is

  4. I was in high school when the worse flu ever hit the US – the Hong Kong flu. The 1968 influenza pandemic (the “Hong Kong flu”) was a category 2 flu pandemic whose outbreak in 1968 and 1969 killed an estimated one million people worldwide. School wasn’t shut down, we shared desks, we played sports, we shared the same locker rooms. Wasn’t unheard of for students to even share food at brunch time. Some students got the flu and some didn’t. I recall getting a nasty cold – we were kids, kids spread stuff. This covid has mutated how many times? The vaccine won’t work on mutations. I don’t wear a mask, I take precautions, and watch who is doing what around me. I don’t need anyone telling me what to do, that’s where I draw the line. It’s a myth that hospitals are overflowing with Covid cases. The 3 hospitals in a 45 mile radius is operating business as usual and elective surgeries are happening. The DemoncRATS gotta keep this BS pandemic going – it isn’t working out too well for Newsom. He’s getting closer to being recalled.

  5. In my home state of AZ, our state Center for Citizen Control has revised guideline for gyms. Previously, I was able to wear a face shield for my twice weekly aerobic self-brutalization. So I managed to regain my pre Covid level of aerobic fitness

    Oh, but now I must wear mask while doing this which, of course restricts air flow and causes you to suck back some of your CO2

    So now I have the option of not doing aerobics or, seeing as I am a CAD case, commiting suicide by treadmill

    And this in a huge LA Fitness gym operating at 10% capacity, which also takes your temperature when you come in

  6. @Callmelennie: Best thing to do is start a walking program. Find stairwells to climb. Gyms are nothing more than petri dishes. Walking outdoors is the best thing anyone can do — pandemic or not. Breathe as much as you like with no restrictions. Let the sun shine on you for that Vit D. The sun kills viruses!

  7. @Goldenfoxx

    I spent a few weeks this summer refugee-ing in the AZ mountains in Prescott. And the development I was staying at had a clubhouse with some weight machines all packed together under a 9 ft ceiling, and Im like, “I wouldn’t lift in here during a mild summer cold season”

    But this gym in Phoenix is enormous; about 15K sqft w/ 30 foot ceilings. You could stage a Ringling Bros circus in there complete with flying trapeze act. And a faceshield scarcely restricts your breathing at all

    And I hear you about all the benefits of walking, but Ive been working out my entire life so I always have to find some fitness standard to bust thru. Im just a knucklehead that way.

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