Ohio House Overrides DeWine Veto of Bill Banning Sex Changes For Minors – IOTW Report

Ohio House Overrides DeWine Veto of Bill Banning Sex Changes For Minors

DeWine claimed that parents of “transgender” children told him that their kids would have committed suicide without sex change procedures.

22 Comments on Ohio House Overrides DeWine Veto of Bill Banning Sex Changes For Minors

  1. What exactly did that asshole DeWine think he was getting out of this? He must’ve known he’d be overridden. He knows the democrats won’t vote for him anyway. Now he’s hated by everyone.

  2. “… would have committed suicide without sex change procedures.”

    Will definitely commit suicide when the enormity of their decision becomes apparent to them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Say Pritzker and taste the perversion on your tongue. DeWine played the political game correctly in this. It isn’t about what is right for the people, it is what is right for DeWine. And this was.

  4. The Ohio senate will vote on overriding the veto on Jan 24.
    Hopefully, no surprise bags of cash are lobbed into the smoky backrooms to influence against the override.
    Our gov is an embarrassment.

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