Ohio: Leftists doxx and threaten Dayton nurse who saved lives for appearing in picture with President Trump – IOTW Report

Ohio: Leftists doxx and threaten Dayton nurse who saved lives for appearing in picture with President Trump

Need any proof that the left has gone crazed with hate and malice?

Try this:

21 Comments on Ohio: Leftists doxx and threaten Dayton nurse who saved lives for appearing in picture with President Trump

  1. The Left sees anyone who is not actively standing against Trump, the GOP, and anything else considered conservative as their enemies and goes after them with vengeance.

    The right should become aware of this and stand equally strongly against them instead allowing it.

    Turnabout is fair play.

  2. You want to stop doxxing? Use whitehats to crack into Instagram and start the process of finding out who they are and where they live. Also get the person(s) who encouraged attacks. Catch them outside and beat them literally within an inch of their lives and leave them bleeding on the street. Doxxing on any side will drop off overnight. I’m not sure this post is encouraging violence or justice because the conservatives sure aren’t getting any of the later while the former is all to familiar with fomenting physical attacks.

  3. The direction or course we seem to be on will not end well for most involved. Nobody is bullet proof.

    I’m betting the advocates (doxxing) who think this is a good idea have NEVER been in a violent confrontation in their lives, let alone one with weapons.

    I’m reminded of the “Spitter” video. Some of us are too old to bother punching your lights out. We’ll just double tap and one to the head. Always amazed by the lack of sense shown like the Hindu kissing a cobra.

    If the lid stays on till after the 2020 election and the Trumpster takes it again, there’s going to be blood in the streets. There will be no real satisfaction in giving them what they so richly deserve. Immediate satisfaction is fleeting and has its own consequences.

    Forgive my sermonizing… (But it is Sunday.)

  4. My vote would be to go after the Media in this country.
    They are the ones who are feeding this madness with their propaganda, outright lies and pushing the cultural deterioration that is eroding fundamental American values!

  5. i’m curious as to why local Sheriffs dont take the bull by the horn. Isnt it their job? The threats against Trump by congresspeople, this doxxing crap, the violence? Where are they in this mix?

  6. These psychotic fux need to be hunted down and exterminated! I know it sounds harsh, but I’m fed up with shit going on in my country from a bunch of godless America hating asswipes!

  7. W.



    How Left, How Communist, How very, very Democrat of them to go after someone who is small, weak, alone in the world, and has done NOTHING to them, NOTHING AT ALL, except be photographed with someone they HATE.

    How typical for them to plot and plan the death of someone who didn’t even heal their ENEMY, but probably healed some scumbags like THEM instead, just in the course of her DUTIES.

    How usual for them to want to fight someone only when they are SURE they can NOT fight back.

    And using the tactics of their Muslim buddies, too. No fighting like men, no opportunity for defense, not even allowing for a response, just planning to strike an old woman from the shadows and then go chortle with their fellow travelers about how they struck a blow against Trumpism.

    …and MOST of them probably don’t even have the sack to do THAT. MOST of them are just keyboard warriors, hidden safely behind barricades built by high-tech scumbags in charge of FB, Instagram, Twatter, etc., and since they can’t get an ACTUAL woman have to take out their frustrations by virtually wilding a good lady and decent human being from the other side of a router.

    AND THEY POST INTERNAL NUMBERS FOR THE HOSPITAL, TOO. Charge nurse, squad room….NONE of these folks have TIME for your bullshit, and NONE of these folks have ANY reason to DEAL with your bullshit. NO ONE in the ER is passing judgement on left, right, center, Trump, Hillary, whatever the fuck. ALL are there to save lives, PERIOD.

    …some time ago, on another thread, I posted a serious response to someone who had briefly fantasized about how a healer could end a scumbag. As I was once in the game I had to reply that yes, there ARE times you THINK about it, but God, Duty, and Family make that impossible for anyone with a shred of morality. We WILL save lives without reservations, good, bad, Democrat, Republican, even scumbag liberal doxxers. Doesn’t matter.

    …but that pertains only to PATIENTS.

    …I’ve not been in the Squad game for some time, but I know folks who ARE, and along with whatever native abilities we bring to the table, we have a certain skill set that has NOTHING to do with healing that is taught just in case we have some jackasses like YOU start some shit like THIS. Don’t think a guy with a RESCUE holster can’t put you down just as effectively as a guy with a GUN holster, the only REAL difference is the range.

    We know some things about anatomy, too. Comes with the job. Knowing how to RELIEVE pain includes knowing what CAUSES pain. It’s not tough to flip the script, given the right circumstances.

    You need to have some PHYSICAL toughness if you’re going to be hauling oversize adults on wooden backboards, hustling stainless steel gurneys, and hundreds of pounds of equipment, too. Not too many wimps can cut it.

    …and we LOVE our nurses.

    Nurses are the BEST thing about ANY hospital. You will NEVER find a more caring, sharing, warm, healing group of the smartest people in the building, and that INCLUDES doctors. Male, female, doesn’t matter, you can’t CUT that job in the ER if you’re NOT a quality human being, and there are many alive TODAY that would not be so if it weren’t for these excellent specimens of humanity.

    …So, you wanna be a TOUGH guy? You wanna ACTUALLY go to commit some harm in an ER?!? If there’s any li’l red trucks backed up to the bays, you had SERIOUSLY better hope that Campus Security gets to you before THEY do, if you come trying to live your Antifa fantasies with your little soyboy arms on OUR nurses. Security has some rules about how they engage you. Medics do NOT.

    And there’s a LOT of pointy things around an ER too, just sayin’…

    …ALSO, without putting too fine a point on it, when something like this goes down, we generally DON’T have a lot of difficulty, due to having good relations with LEOs, with finding out where the actor is. And we’re ALREADY trained to act as a unit. And we DO get time OFF too, and with egregious cases like YOU folks, well, let’s just say nurses aren’t the ONLY ones that may have reasons to fear the night…

    …But let’s not quibble, soy boys, lets get this revolution ON. Come out from behind your keyboards, out of your Green Zones, away from your protective cordons of big-city-mayor controlled police officers, and pick on some folks your OWN size. Up front, not from behind. Let’s see if that move combo you learned from Metal Gear Solid 3 works in real life. C’mon out to the sticks, leave the nurses alone, and let’s have a “talk”. I GUARANTEE you’ll learn something….

    …I still spend time around hospitals for various reasons, keeping my hand in, keeping up with the folks, seeing what’s going on. Come on in, pop off on a nurse I’m around, we can dance. I promise I’ll make it last. I may have even come up with some innovative new moves in the decade or so since I’ve been a SWORN healer, and, since I no longer represent a CITY, well, you may NEED that nurse’s services when all is done, or possibly be BEYOND them at that point, just sayin’…

  8. SNS, If/when the “midwest get together” is solidified and if as I believe you’re in OH, would you consider joining us?

    Your warm customer service friendly attitude has a certain attracting dimension to it.

    Daughter is a nurse with “my stories.” Most times just shake my head and marvel at the ability to continue to treat people who for one reason or another attack or hurt you.

  9. …thanks, @Anymouse, but the MW one seems to be forming up in IL, and no offense to those planning it, but I don’t travel to states that abrogate my Constitutional rights at the border. I traded my rescue holster for a Tagua one years ago, and I make up my own mind about when I take it off.

    I really don’t seek conflicts and I try to keep it happy here, but seriously, threatening a widow nurse in a hospital? Can’t accept that, she, like your daughter, has too much ACTUAL life on her plate for these morons to be abided.

    God bless your daughter for doing that job, nurses are the REAL healers in a hospital, doctors just take the credit. Tough job, and dangerous all day long even WITHOUT moron soybois hatin’ on Trump. She must be a fine, smart, determined, patient lady with the grace of God on her to even HAVE that job. You evidently did well raising her, @Anymouse, so you too have done exceedingly well with her for YOUR part, and must also be blessed by the Lord.

    I try to keep the cussin’ and fussin’ to a minimum, out of respect to our hosts like Claudia and MJA (Fur’s probably used to it), and to the Lord, who the wife rightly points out I poorly represent when I let anger speak in blue, but I darn well know what your daughter and other nurses, like Toby and Hoo Hoo and others who post here, have to put up with, which makes my “customer friendliness” fall off the charts at times. I apologize if I give offense, but folks like your daughter don’t need any EXTRA crazy, and it’s so upsetting to ME that I have to keep rewriting this just to keep it from being indictable, let ALONE making it nice.

    Rant over, off the soapbox. Appreciate you thinking about me.

    God bless,

  10. Maybe a fellow worker of hers was behind the DOX. If I was in the position of hiring people for my business, I’d make damn sure they weren’t a Democrat, socialist, progressive, supporter of liberal causes of any kind. It would be easy to know what they believed and supported if the right questions were asked in the right way. I’d check their social media, too. They simply wouldn’t be hired.

  11. SNS,
    Enjoy the rants…
    If you check back on this one…

    Daughter is 4′ 10″ and works in a “Special Needs” pediatric practice which runs the gamut of difficult patients. Usually does well in that she’s small and not threatening to them, but sometimes they are way larger than her and she has found out that it’s impossible to scream out for help when someone has their hands around your throat choking the life out of you. Concussed a couple of other times and happens “every-time” you let your guard down. Just trying to put a blood pressure cuff on them can set them off.

    Usually not in fear for her, because when she’s out and about the package is different and she has her concealed carry license. Started both her and her brother (the eye doc in cheese land) in shooting sports at twelve or thirteen. That exposed them to a great bunch of people who also influenced how they grew up and thought. Both got a number of scholarships for college from the Single Action Shooting Society and have done everyone proud on how they turned out… Brag, Brag, Brag.

    Wish we might change your mind on visiting the Socialist Republic of Ilganistan.

  12. Anymouse
    AUGUST 11, 2019 AT 1:54 PM

    “…Most times just shake my head and marvel at the ability to continue to treat people who for one reason or another attack or hurt you.”

    …that kind of comes with the territory. Folks who come to the ER ain’t always at their best, most don’t want to be there, and pain can make you crazy. Your PATIENT is as likely to take a swing at you as anyone ELSE is…

    …just to lighten it a bit, let me throw in a “me story” your daughter might appreciate.

    …as a budding medic that had never had actual emergent patient contact before, I was thrilled that my instructor had deemed that I had not screwed up TOO much, so my training at that point progressed to “hospital time”.

    This is where you took your shiny new skills learned in the comfy clasrooms and friendly firehouse bays as practiced on willing co-workers, paired them with the goofy smile that only false confidence can impart, and had that smile roughly rubbed off like a cartoonist used an eraser on you when you learned in the first five minutes that what you REALLY brought to the hospital was “jack” and “shit”.

    …anyway, my first day was a “light” one.

    For the nurses.

    …it was a journey of discovery about why the hell did I ever think THIS was a good idea, for ME…

    Just to give two examples, I’m standing around like a goof in my starched li’l white shirt (no badge yet, hadn’t earned it), just itchin’ to take an emergency blood pressure (and also itching from the starch), when a city ambulance (not mine) radioed in that they were gonna hit the bay with a combative patient in about two minutes, and they needed help STAT wrestling with this guy, ’cause he was clearly in MASSIVE pain but couldn’t communicate, and they couldn’t examine him and duck punches at the same time. SNS wasn’t a little guy and was also the only person too green to know better, so he got to ‘stand by’ till the ambulance git there.

    It was more like 30 secomds.

    No slideshow trained me for the withering, foaming, snapping, angry mass of humanity that had already bitten the squad medic’s wrists bloody during restraint attempts (lesson 1: folks have TEETH. Avoid ’em), but the man was CLEARLY insensate with pain. I kind of half-jumped, half-was pushed onto his lower body to try to get SOME control over SOME part of the fellow so older, wiser folks could complete the restraint (he had peed himself, too. Lesson 2: you WILL get soaked in ALL body fluids, get used to it), and get him into the exam room.

    Where we found out he was in pain from the massive myocardial infarction he was having (Lesson 3: people don’t ALWAYS have “standard” reactions to health problems), and later died (Lesson 4: All you do…may be futile).

    I barely had time to wring the sweat, blood, urine, and fear out of my shirt before I was asked to assist (e.g. hold a guy down and pick up the used wrappers later) with a doc who was planting a chest tube in a roofer who fell off his roof, apparently onto his ribs, and broke his anger management gland in the process. This time, I was up top, holding the guy’s wrists so he didn’t distract the doc while he was cutting a hole in his side. In fairness, THIS patient was being as cooperative as possible under the circumstances (a rapidly progressing tension pneumothorax WILL do that to you), but the situation was dire and didn’t allow for little niceties like anaesthetic. So when the doc cut him, I had to hang on for dear life to keep the doc from getting swatted (Lesson 5: wear tge heavy, textured blue gloves when possible, harder to keep a grip with the light “exam” ones), and the guy threw every curse word he could at me, the doc, the nurse, the guy in the next bay, God, etc., and made some up when he ran out. The little Hindu doc was unfazed by this, or by the farty air sounds and gush of side blood, and just said calmly ( imagine this with an Indian accent) “cursing me will nothing to help YOU” (Lesson 6: calm is COOL). The nature of this injury provided that this gave the poor guy IMMEDIATE relief, though, and he settled right down, even apologized to everyone as they continued to save his life (Lesson 7: sometimes, it actually HELPS).

    After all this…in the FIRST 3 HOURS… I was granted 15 minutes to collect myself and change into a new shirt that I didn’t have (Lesson 8: a change of clothes is a MUST), during which it was slow enough for the nurses to take pity on me and shore me up for Round 3 (Lesson 9: nurses are SAINTS).

    I didn’t have the Lord to help me then because I hadn’t ASKED him to (he did anyway), but those angels of mercy told me some og what THEY did, and we built each other up that way.

    There’s a lot of reasons folks come at this – duty, honor, glory, or simple morbid interests are just SOME – but at the end of the day, you did it because you needed to, because humans needed HELP, and didnt have anyone but YOU. And if you couldn’t step UP, then you needed to LEAVE.

    …i’ve done a poor job here, @Anymouse, your daughter might “get” me, but few outsiders will. It’s tough to explain, but at the end of the day, you just have to come to the conclusion that the lives the Lord DOES let you save are WORTH a few bruises and a good cursing. That’s all.

    And in those circumstaces, I would NEVER want to stand before the Lord and tell Him that I didnt do my best.

    We all do.

    We all MUST.

    God bless your daughter, and all those that are entrusted to guard the Lord’s flame of life. I’M out of it now, but THEY need your prayers.

    Lord protect them,

  13. Anymouse AUGUST 11, 2019 AT 5:10 PM

    “…Brag, Brag, Brag.”

    …ain’t bragging if you can DO it, and your children suggest you’ve done very well indeed…

    “3 Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward.

    4 As arrows [are] in the hand of a mighty man; so [are] children of the youth.

    5 Happy [is] the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.”

    -Psalms 127:3-5

  14. SNS,

    Believe part of the reason (though she wouldn’t say so) that she does it, is because she’s good at it where some others working with these kids aren’t…

  15. People who dox and harass average people over political bullshit like this deserve to be kneecapped, and that’s exactly what should start happening. I’m sick of this shit. Democrats are total cunts and need to start getting maimed for this kind of shit. Enough is enough.


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