Ohio Man Doctors Predicted Would Die by 11 Turns 62 – IOTW Report

Ohio Man Doctors Predicted Would Die by 11 Turns 62

Breitbart: Doctors offered Wittkugle’s mother, Bobbi, a grim prognosis when he was born in the late 1950s. “The doctor came in and never asked my name and said to me, ‘You have to put him away. He’ll never talk. He’ll never walk. He’ll never know who you are. He will live to the age of 11 and that will be the end of it.’” she told local Ohio NBC affiliate Channel 8.

Joey was born with Down syndrome, at a time when Bobbi said “nobody knew about them, and they kept them in the house. I mean, you did not have them out walking or one thing or another.” Approximately 6,000 American children are born with Down syndrome every year, or roughly one in 700. When Joey was born, the average life expectancy for such a child was just ten years. more here

9 Comments on Ohio Man Doctors Predicted Would Die by 11 Turns 62

  1. I used to work with a group of with my drummer friends for special needs children in drum circles. What they lacked in skill they made up for in enthusiasm so it was a positive experience for all of us.

  2. …my son was born with a cleft lip and palate.

    They told me he’d be retarded.

    They told me he’d be deaf.

    They told me he’d never talk.

    They told me he wouldn’t walk.

    They were 100% wrong on ALL counts.

    God is good.

    Doctors are human.

  3. My cousin was born with severe downs syndrome in the early 1950’s. In the hospital after his birth, the doctor gave my uncle a list of institutions that would take him. My uncle’s reply was “He’s family. He’s coming home with us.” Eddie went everywhere with them and to all the family get togethers. He was a joy to be around. He was hard to raise and I know my uncle and aunt sacrificed a lot for him, as did his sisters. But he was a joy to be around. He lived to be 60. Don’t let the doctors tell you they know what only God knows.

  4. My best friend who is a year older than I am at the age of 68 is a living, breathing medical miracle. He has had a congenital heart condition all of his life and has gone thru multiple heart surgeries including open heart surgery, survived spleen cancer 10 years ago and currently has a pacemaker to control arythmias in his heart. He also has one eye, the other being a glass eye he once showed to me when he pulled it out of his eye socket and grossed me out. For everything that he’s been thru he is doing as well as possible and he and his wife will have been married for 50 years next year. I have been friends with him since 1974 and he is a remarkable and good man.

  5. I want him as a neighbor. He reminds me of a now gone brother.

    Bless him, and his parents, we should all be ‘so happy’ as this man IS. And he IS in his own mind. This is okay, if not better I have learned.

  6. I too miss a brother named Jimbo. He loved The Three Stooges?! And he would have turned the same age as this fine guy.

    These are the forgotten ones of society, but not to their families, as you guys have posted.

    thank you.


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