Ohio man gets $42,000 repair bill after fender bender in electric truck – IOTW Report

Ohio man gets $42,000 repair bill after fender bender in electric truck

JTN: The Biden administration’s narrative that electric vehicles are ultimately more cost-effective than gas cars once fueling costs are factored in appears to omit a few factors from its own equation, if one Ohio man’s experience is any guide.

Landscaper Chris Apfelstadt of Columbus, Ohio, shared a post in a Facebook group for Rivian fans recounting how while driving his electric truck one day, he was struck from behind at a “relatively low speed.” No airbags inflated, he noted, and purported pictures of the accident show only minor damage to the rear bumper of his pickup. 

“I figured the repair would be expensive but had no idea!” Apfelstadt wrote on Facebook.

He went on to say that the insurance company for the woman who rear-ended him assessed the damage, estimated the repairs would cost $1,600 and wrote him a check for that amount.  more

15 Comments on Ohio man gets $42,000 repair bill after fender bender in electric truck

  1. THey probably look at it this way:
    If yer dumb enough to buy an Electric Whutchamacallit in the first place (expecially from a no-name start-up) yer dumb enough to pay exorbitant repair bills!

  2. “A fool and his money …”

    “Never give a sucker an even break.”

    Don’t advertise your stupidity (by buying an electric truck AND DRIVING IT, for instance – tantamount to dropping your pants and bending over the table) – many will take advantage of you.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Based on this story can I assume that the cost of insurance for an EV is much higher than for an internal combustion vehicle? I’ve never heard this comparison mentioned when talking about the expense of operating each type of car.

  4. I’ve read that insurance companies/repair shops are leery of EVs that have been in accidents. Even a small crack in the battery might require that it be replaced to avoid any liability problems.

  5. …”Even a small crack in the battery might require that it be replaced…”

    …at a cost of up to $20,000. Oh but my EV is a great virtue signal and status symbol…until reality hits.

  6. The guy in question was a dumbass twice; first when he bought an electric truck, and second when he accepted a check from the insurance company before he got an estimate. I hope he didn’t cash it.

  7. @Mojo56
    I wonder about the insurance. Is an electrical fire covered? It doesn’t take much to damage the battery. They don’t have to explode, which they do (in a big ball of fire) sometimes. If the car burned up, would they pay total value of the car beforehand? This guy might have been off better if the car had burned up. Now its just ‘broken’ and he has to pay to fix it. And you will have to have one of these cars, if you want to have car, that is. It’s a big, coming, pending, racket.

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