Ohio Prohibits Schools From Mandating Students Get Vaccinated – IOTW Report

Ohio Prohibits Schools From Mandating Students Get Vaccinated


Ohio’s Republican Gov. Mike DeWine signed legislation banning public schools, colleges, and universities in the state from mandating students be immunized with COVID-19 vaccines.

The new law is aimed at vaccines that have yet to win full approval from the Food and Drug Administration, according to The Hill. It applies to all three vaccines now being used in the U.S. All three have been granted just emergency use authorization.

The law doesn’t take effect for 90 days and the vaccines could receive full FDA approval by then, according to The Cincinnati Enquirer.

”We are confident the three main COVID vaccines — the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson — will receive full FDA approval,” DeWine’s spokesperson Dan Tierney told the newspaper. more

7 Comments on Ohio Prohibits Schools From Mandating Students Get Vaccinated

  1. …but it specifies they can’t do it UNLESS the “vaccine” has full FDA approval, and it doesn’t take effect for 3 months when they know well that the fake government will GIVE full FDA approval by then, so all this REALLY is, is DeWine trying to pretend he’s a ‘republican’ again with something he KNOWS is as meaningless as HE is…

  2. Given DeWhine’s signature, it appears if and when the FDA gives full approval, public schools will have the ability to deny students a public education if they don’t take the JAB. Regardless of the 10s of 1000’s of adverse effects associated with the experimental non-vaccine.

    DeWhine “must be aware” that the FDA will approve experimental vaccines otherwise the little RINO wouldn’t have signed the legislation.
    How many FDA employees & Ohio elected officials own stock in any of the three pre-approved vaccines?
    This was a chicken ^%# move from the Ohio legislature and DeWhine (typical).

  3. cato is right that the FDA will approve the vaccine with no further testing.

    Here’s the kicker: ‘The new state law doesn’t go into effect until Oct. 12. The university noted that means it can still require students who return to campus on Aug. 16 to be fully vaccinated.’

    DeRino ain’t done schiet.


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