Ohio Shooter Suspect Described Himself as Socialist, Advocates Violence Against ‘Fascists’, Supported Liz Warren For President and Gun Control – IOTW Report

Ohio Shooter Suspect Described Himself as Socialist, Advocates Violence Against ‘Fascists’, Supported Liz Warren For President and Gun Control

Do I blame Elizabeth Warren for the shooting?
She lies. She promotes conspiracies. She makes a lot of false and stupid racially motivated comments, she lies about guns and the law-abiding people who own them. She is all of that, and more, but the fault always lies in the murderer. No matter who they vote for.
They’re nuts. End of story.

[Wonder when Don Lemon is going to grill Liz Warren over it like they do Trump. If they really want to be “fair” as they claim they are.]


Front Page Mag:

Epoch Times:

Ohio shooting suspect Connor Betts was a registered Democrat who posted pro-socialist content on a social media account along with repeated indications that he favored gun control, violence against “fascists” and white supremacists, and Satanism.

Betts described himself as a “leftist” on his Twitter profile and used hashtags on one selfie that included “selfie4satan” and “HailSatan.”

Betts shared videos from Some More News that were anti-Republican, including one from host Cody Johnston that claimed “the president wants to shoot migrants at the border.”

Betts also repeatedly indicated his support for gun control, writing in one missive, “This is America: Guns on every corner, guns in every house, no freedom but that to kill.” In another, he said he himself loved guns. more here

SNIP: By they way- The El Paso shooter is not only anti-immigrant but a tree-groping environmentalist (emphasis on the ‘mental’). He wants universal healthcare and universal income.
Does any of that sound like Trump or Conservatism?
No. But it sure sounds like AOC and Bernie. Not to mention the entire set of 2020 Dem candidates. Yet, still, I don’t blame anyone but the murderer.

15 Comments on Ohio Shooter Suspect Described Himself as Socialist, Advocates Violence Against ‘Fascists’, Supported Liz Warren For President and Gun Control

  1. When out running errands today, I was listening to NPR (I won’t have it in the house). To my utter lack of surprise, they were hammering away at the “white nationalist” “white supremacist” ideology of the El Paso murderer, but NOT ONE WORD about the socialist antifa gun-control ideology of the Dayton sister-killer.

    I can normally listen to the NPR crap with equanimity, but not today. It was stomach-churning to the point I had to switch to listening to my CDs of Orthodox sacred music.

    BTW – I’d like to start a movement if I can. No more use of the term gun violence. Instead, use gun attack.


    Take your money in high taxes
    Take away your 2nd Amendment
    Take away your 1st Amendment
    Take away your ability to speak online
    Take away your health care
    Take away your baby and kill it

    I remember the time when liberals just wanted “The Man” off their back to be left alone, now they are “The Man.”

  3. ” I remember the time when liberals just wanted “The Man” off their back to be left alone, now they are “The Man.” ”

    Exactly. Lib elites were always THE MAN. Then the lib voters caught on and became them.

  4. So why is this report NOT explaining that this male is NOT the real person he is claimed to be? They pulled a double out of their mind controlled inventory to match up with a dead ringer; then invented a political script for him. My guess is that the young man’s mom has been paid off in millions to let her dead son be identified as a killer.

    And if you search this guy, you can see he’s a match for the Ohio shooting.
    [ https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ohio+shooter+CONNOR+D+BETTS&t=h_&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images ]

    The back story on this is that his mom owns a security company that contracts with the government, and she used him because she knew he could not be traced. That’s why there are so many different photos of this guy available, his mom had them and used them. This has been posted to ImgUR HERE. [ https://imgur.com/a/qHdRpby ]

  5. It is good to see many who are writing about mass shootings lately saying words to the effect of,”The shooter is responsible – not the gun, not the President – only the shooter is responsible.”

  6. @Uncle Bob

    “BTW – I’d like to start a movement if I can. No more use of the term gun violence. Instead, use gun attack.”

    I prefer, “Unhinged LIBTARD atrocity.”

  7. Uncle Al is spot on. I had about 60 minutes worth of drive time today and the coverage of the Texas tragedy was nearly non-stop. The only time Dayton was mentioned, if at all, was briefly on the news breaks.

  8. “Do I blame Elizabeth Warren for the shooting?”

    hell yeah, I do! these phuckwads get away w/ way too much inflammatory language to incite their followers, (the guy that shot up the repubs at that baseball field was a Sanders nutbag) & each & every one of them twist Trump’s words around to paint him a racist white supremist

    remember Obozo telling his minions to ‘bring a gun’ & ‘get in people’s faces’?

    throw this right back at ’em … blame Warren, find her quotes, paint Occasional Cortex’s quotes large on billboard, the internet … fight fire w/ fire … this ain’t beanbag toss cornhole

  9. The biggest common denominator in nearly all of these shooters are:

    Lack of a father in the household
    Lack of a western religion
    The criminalization, denormalization and psychotropic drugging of boys.
    Shit. The boys are being browbeaten and marginalized out of their last role modeling organization, the Boy Scouts y women and homosexuals. And many in the clergy are predators on top of it.

    That they are feeling lonely, disaffected, devalued, shit upon? Not saying I approve of their actions.
    But DAMN I was lucky to live in a two parent household with a strong religious upbringing. I rebelled in my youth, but I left the house with strongly engrained moral underpinnings that have served me well.

    Perfect? Of course not.

    These men have never experienced family love. That hurts.

    I remember a little boy, a stranger, who ran up to me and begged, “Are you my father?” I explained that I was not but would like to be his good friend. But we lived on opposite coasts.
    Well, that kid ended up in prison for murder.

  10. If these idiots keep blaming president Trump the the Republicans should hang the Dayton shooting around her neck and the congressional shooting around the old socialist’s neck as well

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