Ohio Town Rolls Out Red Carpet for Homeless, Is Shocked They Show Up – IOTW Report

Ohio Town Rolls Out Red Carpet for Homeless, Is Shocked They Show Up

PJM: They just wanted to do the right thing. The small town of Middletown, Ohio, a town of 49,000 people, has opened all manner of homeless services. There is everything from soup kitchens and shelters that allow you to be high and drunk to rehab facilities to sober up.

And that’s the problem. You can come to Middletown to stay drunk and high and get three hots and a cot without having to do much.

Now the homeless are swamping the town. Residents who call Middletown home are shocked that “about 75%” of the homeless are from someplace else, according to the former police chief.

Of course they are.

Before retiring last September, Police Chief Rodney Muterspaw wrote a Facebook post that accused nearby towns of dumping their homeless and drug-addled in Middletown:

Muterspaw called the increasing numbers of homeless persons “the elephant in the room.” more

15 Comments on Ohio Town Rolls Out Red Carpet for Homeless, Is Shocked They Show Up

  1. Ohio is a well meaning but naive state. Half way between the east coast and middle America, it desires to be be both sophisticated and kind. Unfortunately, it lacks lesson learned sophistication and is still rural in nature. They can correct this misguided decision but it will require some midwest spine without the east coast fake righteous liberal platitude. Good luck.

  2. While in college In 1976 I briefly lived with a hippie couple from Middletown. Wow. Athens County is probably still talking about all that sinsemilla that suddenly showed up during a very dry period.

    Gerald, Cindy, if you’re out there, thanks. Y’all were great.

  3. ^^^^ great book ^^^^

    very truthful, very sad of what’s happening to Middle America via US & State government policy … we are definitely subsidizing our decline

    you can catch Vance, sometimes on the later Fox News shows

  4. ^^^^^ great book ^^^^^

    very truthful, very sad … a damning commentary on our government’s handling of Middle America

    you can sometimes catch Vance on some of the Fox News shows … Tucker, Ingraham …

  5. I need to crowd fund a time machine.
    Because I will go back and get about a thousand cops from all the big cities from around 1890. I will issue them modern protective gear and ask them to enforce the vagrancy laws.

  6. I read once that when there is a catastrophe and
    living shelters and food are provided; once the
    emergency is over and things back to normal, the
    last 10% of the people staying there have to be
    physically tossed out.
    Sounds like they found the 10 percenters.


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