Ohio train traveled 20 miles with fiery axle before derailing, footage shows – IOTW Report

Ohio train traveled 20 miles with fiery axle before derailing, footage shows

JTN: The freight train that derailed earlier this month near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border and turned into a smoldering, days-long HAZMAT situation traveled at least 20 miles beforehand with an axle that appeared to be on fire, security camera footage shows. 

The train passed through a hot box detector, which checks the axle temperature for overheating, while its axle was on fire in Salem, Ohio, more than an hour before it arrived in East Palestine, Ohio, where the derailment occurred, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported Friday.

The train crew had received an alert shortly before the Feb. 3 derailment, but it is unclear when the alert came through.

Security cameras at two Salem industrial plants captured the axle blazing as it passed.

The wreckage remained on fire for several days after the derailment, with several train cars carrying the toxic and potentially explosive chemical vinyl chloride so dangerous that officials created a one-mile evacuation zone.   MORE

14 Comments on Ohio train traveled 20 miles with fiery axle before derailing, footage shows

  1. Used to be freight trains had a caboose with a few guys and some equipment inside in case of trouble on the train. But the cost meant more than safety. Same safety thingy they didn’t bother with the JAB testing !!

  2. I’ve done many things during my “working for a living” time to include a chemical company and a railroad.

    There are more levels of F’up in this one than can even begin to be reported here. If “they” want to scare the sheeple all they have to do is honestly report on the chemicals and what will come from this release. The Vinyl Chloride alone is major league cancer causing. Type “east” into a search engine. Realize that it may have already entered into the Ohio River system and check out what would be considered the Ohio River Basin.

    Sure am glad they stopped the Keystone Pipeline. Oh wait, this was a train derailment. Train traffic is safer as proven here.

    We got the chemical people and fire fighters here. Chime in!
    My limited knowledge tells me the last sentence is a big mistake.
    The best solutions for the time they were implemented?
    And then they did a “controlled release.” WTF

  3. …I’ve put my two cents in as a former FF on two previous threads for this, so again I won’t repeat. They are at these locations if you care.

    ht tps://iotwreport.com/ohio-explosion-fears-loom-as-train-continues-to-burn-days-after-derailment/

    ht tps://iotwreport.com/i-cant-breathe-2/

    …but for those that question the response, let’s look at the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) put out as required by law by the chemical manufacturers as it pertains to firefighting efforts…


    Fire Hazard: Severe fire hazard. Vapor/air mixtures are explosive. Vapors or gases may ignite at distant sources and
    flash back. Containers may rupture or explode if exposed to heat.
    Extinguishing Media: Stop flow of gas before extinguishing fire. Use carbon dioxide, regular dry chemical, foam or
    water. Use water spray to keep containers cool.
    Fire Fighting: Move container from fire area if it can be done without risk. For fires in cargo or storage area: Cool
    containers with water from unmanned hose holder or monitor nozzles until well after fire is out. If this can’t be done,
    then take the following precautions: Keep unnecessary people away, isolate hazard area and deny entry. Let the fire
    burn. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety device or any discoloration of tanks due to fire.
    For tank, rail car or tank truck: Stop leak if possible without personal risk. Let burn unless leak can be stopped
    immediately. Wear NIOSH approved positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus operated in pressure
    demand mode.”
    ht tps://sds.oxy.com › privatePDF

    …did you note the pertinent parts there?

    “For tank, rail car or tank truck: Stop leak if possible without personal risk. Let burn unless leak can be stopped
    immediately. ”

    “Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety device or any discoloration of tanks due to fire.”

    …This is what the MANUFACTURER says, and what CHMETREC would likey echo. And don’t forget the EPA by law HAS to be notified and will give their OWN “advice”.

    …be pissed at the politicos, if you will.

    The FD did a pretty good job with the limited resources such a small place offers, and were only following the best advice available, so don’t piss on THEM for faithfully doing their very hazardous JOB…

  4. At Anymouse. The vinyl chloride entered the Ohio River. Testing on the river in Cincinnati is showing trace amounts of of vinyl chloride. That’s the opposite end of the state. I do not feel good being 81 miles away from what our news is calling the Ohio Chernobyl.

  5. 71 surrounding agencies had to respond mutual aid to help East Palestine FD. Here’s a look at the massive department and the huge surrounding agencies…

    ht tp://eastpalestine-oh.gov/fire-department/

    ht tps://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067120662089

  6. sns….your information is invaluable….keep it coming….

    your experience has taken its toll on you…..you are in my prayers…

    this is a situation that qualifies as AF all around…..it will probbly affect my well water sooner or later, i’m kinda close enough to share the ground water….

    but these days, who knows which threats will strike us at home?

    i am canning everything i can …we have limited space for storage….water will be the deciding factor…we don’t have space to store up enough water…..what has happened to our country?

    joe biden happened…..that was all it took…..


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